

Logo for the FCC Bobcats
Jun 10th, 2021
Frontier Community College Honors Students for Academic Excellence
Frontier Community College Honors Students for Academic Excellence
Kid participating in Tie-Dye
May 19th, 2021
Kid's Summer Classes
Frontier Community College is excited to announce this summer's line-up of kid's summer classes. These are an excellent way for kids to learn about fun topics in a hands-on interactive course. If you would like to enroll your child in any of the courses listed below, stop by the records office at Frontier Community College.  
Female Health Care Provider Holds Clipboard
Jan 22nd, 2021
New Dates Announced for ADN Nursing Meetings at FCC
No matter what is happening in the world there will always be a need for Nurses. Becoming a Nurse is very rewarding with a variety of career opportunities, great benefits, and job security.
Students Working in a Classroom
Jan 12th, 2021
Fall 2020 Academic Honors List
Frontier Community College is excited to announce our academic honor recipients for the Fall 2020 Semester. Despite the stress of a pandemic and having to adapt to new circumstances in all aspects of life, many students were still able to excel in their academic pursuits.
Frontier Community College Bobcat Athletics
Aug 4th, 2020
Frontier Community College Honors Students for Academic Excellence
Frontier Community College is excited to announce our academic honor recipients for the Spring 2020 Semester. Despite the stress of a pandemic and having to adapt to unusual classroom circumstances, lots of our students were still able to excel in their academic pursuits.
Frontier Community College Bobcat Athletics
Jul 28th, 2020
Frontier Community College Athletic Teams Honored for Academic Success
Frontier Community College’s athletics teams are all being honored for their performance in the classroom in the 2019-2020 NJCAA Academic Team Honors. These awards honor academic excellence on sports teams based on individual and team GPA.  Across all three teams, 22 students were personally honored for their excellent GPA.
Nursing students receive a $500 scholarship
Apr 7th, 2020
Nursing Students Receive Scholarship
Two students in the Nursing Program were recently awarded the Clemence Elizabeth Cox Scholarship for the Spring 2020 semester.  The scholarship semi-annually awards $500 to second-level Nursing students of FCC.  This semester, the scholarship has been awarded to McKenzi Blair of Louisville and Morgan Gregory of Fairfield.  Both Blair and Gregory are on track to complete the Associate Degree in Nursing in May.
Hospital beds sent to FMH
Apr 7th, 2020
Nursing Program Donates Hospital Beds
On Tuesday, March 31, the Nursing Department of Frontier Community College (FCC) lent hospital beds and privacy screens for Fairfield Memorial Hospital (FMH).  The equipment, will be set up on the second floor of FMH in what was formerly the obstetrics unit. Last week, FCC’s Nursing Department also donated PPE materials, including gloves, masks and N-95 masks, shoe covers, and disposable gowns.  The extra beds at FMH are a precautionary measure in order to be prepared during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Student at FCC graduation
Apr 7th, 2020
FCC Reschedules Graduation for July 31
Like many other college institutions across the nation, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced Frontier Community College (FCC) to postpone its annual commencement.  The event was originally scheduled to be held on Friday, May 8, inside the Fairfield Community High School gymnasium.