Two students in the Nursing Program were recently awarded the Clemence Elizabeth Cox Scholarship for the Spring 2020 semester. The scholarship semi-annually awards $500 to second-level Nursing students of FCC. This semester, the scholarship has been awarded to McKenzi Blair of Louisville and Morgan Gregory of Fairfield. Both Blair and Gregory are on track to complete the Associate Degree in Nursing in May.
The Clemence Elizabeth Cox Scholarship is funded by the Jerry L. Cox Foundation Trust. The Jerry L. Cox Foundation Trust was organized in 2018 for the primary purpose of funding the Clemence Elizabeth Cox Scholarship at Frontier Community College. The scholarship provides financial assistance to second-level Nursing students for tuition, books, and other direct educational expenses.
Clemence Elizabeth Cox, a 1933 graduate of Fairfield Community High School, was an active member of the First Christian Church as well as civic organizations and the business community. She and her husband, James H. Cox, owned and operated the Western Auto Store for many years and were also instrumental in building and operating the Uptown Motel in Fairfield.
The Clemence Elizabeth Cox Scholarship was established by Jerry L. Cox in 2009. Since its establishment, a total of $23,000 has been awarded to 46 students in the Associate Degree in Nursing Program.
A total of 28 individuals have been accepted to begin the Associate Degree in Nursing Program in the Fall 2020 semester. The Nursing Program is offered on FCC’s campus through Olney Central College and Illinois Eastern Community Colleges. To learn more, visit iecc.edu/nursing or call Frontier Community College at 618-842-3711.
Pictured are, from left to right, front row: Morgan Gregory and McKenzi Blair. Back row: Lori Noe, Coordinator of Financial Aid; Jerry Cox, donor; and Julie Bullard, Nursing Advisor.