IECC Secondary Menu

Meal Plans (PELL Eligible)

Students have the option of 4 levels of Dining Dollar Meal Plans at the colleges offering food service (LTC, OCC, WVC). Meal Plan purchases are considered "allowable charges" and Pell eligible. Therefore, if you qualify for a Pell award and anticipate a Pell refund, Meal Plans may be charged to your student account and paid with your refund when Pell is disbursed. If you choose this option, the proper authorization form must be completed by you to authorize IECC to pay these charges with your Pell refund.



 10% Discount


PLATINUM  Provides for an average of $ 60 in Dining Dollars per week for 16 weeks


-$ 95


GOLD  Provides for an average of $ 50 in Dining Dollars per week for 16 weeks


-$ 80


SILVER  Provides for an average of $ 35 in Dining Dollars per week for 16 weeks


-$ 56


BRONZE  Provides for an average of $ 20 in Dining Dollars per week for 16 weeks


-$ 32



  • Meal plans are non-refundable.

  • Meal plans must be purchased in the Business office.

  • Only redeemable at the campuses where they are purchased.

  • REPORT Lost or stolen cards to the Business office IMMEDIATELY.

  • Any unused value at end of academic year will NOT carry forward to the following academic school year.