General Information and Resources
Enrollment Status
Veteran enrollment status is measured by the number of credit hours taken during an eight- or sixteen-week session.
Military Credit
Credit toward graduation may be granted to a veteran for certain armed forces military service experiences. If a student has completed Basic Military Training and has been honorably separated, or currently serving, the student may obtain seven (7) semester hours of credit. Click here for more information.
Priority Enrollment
Service members (members of the Armed Forces or National Guard, including reserve components) and veterans (former service members who have received an honorable discharge, a general discharge, or an other than honorable discharge) who are eligible to receive military educational benefits and reside in Illinois will be given the earliest possible enrollment opportunity. This applies to enrollment for all degree and certificate programs offered after the student’s eligibility to receive benefits has been verified. Students planning to use Tuition Assistance (TA) benefits will not be enrolled until the individual’s Service has approved TA.
Provisions When Called for Service
These provisions are applicable to enrolled students who are service members and receive orders from the Governor or President of the U.S. to perform a period of service (i.e., active duty, inactive duty training, or state service).
When a student is called to perform a period of service, IECC will:
- Allow a student to continue with the term and make up any missed work when feasible to do so.
- Refund (to the appropriate party) all tuition, fees, and other institutional charges paid for the academic term when the student withdraws or is unable to attend class for 7 or more days.
- Assign a grade of incomplete and allow student to complete any unfinished courses at a later date at no additional charge unless course credit has been given or the student received a full refund upon withdrawing.
- Indicate on the student’s record that a withdrawal is due to military service.
When a student is called to perform a period of service, IECC will not:
- Assign the student a failing grade due to withdrawal.
- Reduce the student’s grade point average.
- Characterize any student’s absence(s) as unexcused.
- Assess a financial penalty due to withdraw, leave of absence, or late enrollment.
- Impact re-enrollment options.
Any IECC student who is Title IV eligible and withdraws due to being called for service, will not be required to repay an overpayment of grant funds based on the Return of Title IV Funds calculation. IECC must perform the Return of Title IV Funds calculations and/or Return of Unearned TA calculations that are required by the statute and regulations and will return funds as calculated.
Reduced Tuition
As noted in IECC's Residency Policy (Special Residency Students), when using federal veterans' benefits, all eligible veterans and their eligible dependents will be offered in-district tuition.
Useful Website Links
- To request your military records, visit National Archives here. Records for recent service and medical records are not online.
- To request your military transcripts, visit Joint Services Transcript here.
- To review the VA Education Programs in full detail, click here.
- To view your current benefits, vist eBenefits here.
- Veterans using Chapter 30 or Chapter 1606 benefits must reported enrollment monthly through Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE), here.
- To apply for the Illinois Veteran Grant or Illinois National Guard Grant or review your benefit usage, visit the Illinois Student Assistance Commission here.
- For the Illinois MIA/POW Scholarship Application, visit the Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs here.
Contact Information
GI Bill® Educational Assistance |
1(888) 442.4551 |
Veterans Administration Hotline |
1(800) 827.1000 |
Change Direct Deposit Information |
1(877) 838.2778 |
Monthly Verification for WAVE |
1(877) 823.2378 |
Change of Address |
1(888) 422.4551 |
Veterans Crisis Line |
1(800) 273.8255 (press 1) |
1(800) 829.4833 |