
Transfer Students

"If you don't know where you're going, you'll end up someplace else."  - Yogi Berra

For transfer students, the goal IS to end up someplace else and we can help get you there. Completing a 2-year transfer degree at IECC is an economical pathway to completion of a 4-year degree at a university. Compare costs here.

As is customary in higher education, the college or university a student transfers to will make the final decision regarding acceptance of credit earned elsewhere. The majority of 4-year schools in the U.S. will accept all credits from an associate degree. Therefore, students who plan to attend a university are strongly encouraged to enroll in one of our transfer programs - it makes for a better transition than transferring individual courses. Regardless, IECC advisors will assist the student concerning the transferability of classes; the student will also need to maintain contact with the receiving institution to facilitate the transfer process. 

In addition to transfer via our associate degrees, IECC has Articulation Agreements with several universities that allow for a smooth transfer of many of our CTE programs. These agreements better serve students by minimizing duplication of instruction and building on learning experiences. 

Use the menus above to learn more about IECC's transfer programs and the process of transferring. 

When you're ready to develop your plan, click on a campus below to contact an advisor:


Lincoln Trail

Olney Central

Wabash Valley