
Credit for Prior Learning

(Consumer Information Disclosure)

Credit for Prior Learning (Policy 500.5)

IECC understands college-level knowledge is obtained from learning experiences, as well as in a classroom. In recognition and support of this, students enrolled in a degree or certificate program at IECC may be eligible for academic credit for their prior learning experiences as determined by an evaluative process administered by the deans of instruction or designees.

Awarding Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)
IECC will validate credit on a course-by-course basis and award credit when the documented learning experience demonstrates achievement of all terminal objectives for a specific course or courses. The following will also be considerations:

  • CPL will not be awarded twice for the same learning.
  • CPL will not be awarded for work that does not meet or exceed a grade level of “C”.
  • CPL will not be used to award financial aid or veteran’s benefits.
  • CPL cannot be used to improve an existing grade or replace a grade of withdrawal or incomplete.
  • CPL credit will be posted to the student’s academic record as Transfer Credit.
  • No more than twenty-five (25) percent of the required credit hours for a certificate or degree can be awarded from CPL. (Effective as of 7/1/2022)
  • IECC does not accept CPL that was awarded at other institutions and CPL awarded at IECC will typically not transfer to other colleges.
  • CPL will not be applied to the graduation credit hour minimum that must be completed at IECC.
  • CPL will not be computed in the student’s GPA.*
  • Unless otherwise defined procedurally, CPL will be awarded for learning experiences that have occurred within the last 3 years, while also considering older documented learning experiences on a case-by-case basis with the supposition that the knowledge has been retained. 
* Prior to 7/1/2022: IECC proficiency examinations carry grades of “A”, “B”, “C”, “P”, or “Not Passing”. Grades, other than “Not Passing”, will be
entered on the student’s transcript as “By Proficiency” and will carry appropriate course credit. Proficiency examination grades
entered on the student’s transcript will be used in computing grade point averages. A grade of “Not Passing” will not be used in
grade point averages, nor will it be recorded on the student’s transcript.

Credit for Prior Learning Procedures

The following outline the eligible learning experiences and the methods for requesting credit. 

A student who has completed a military training course or program as part of his/her military service may be granted academic credit based on the considerations outlined in policy 500.5 (above) and in accordance with this procedure.

Students who have completed basic military training and supply the required documentation will be awarded credit based on the table below. Students who have successfully completed a military training course or program that is recommended for credit by the American Council on Education (ACE) and included in the student’s military transcript issued by any branch of the armed services (or otherwise documented as military training or experience) will be awarded credit based on the ACE recommendations. Instructors and/or experts in the subject matter may also evaluate a student’s competencies and learning experiences as compared to course learning outcomes to make recommendations for course credit.   

Request and approval steps:

  1. Student must confer with an advisor to begin the process and obtain the required recommendation/signature on the Credit for Prior Learning Request form.
  2. Student will then submit the request, official Joint Services Transcript, DD214, and any other pertinent documents to the dean of instruction for review.
  3. The DD214 credit will only be approved for the courses identified in the table below. Military training will be considered based on ACE guides or an evaluation by the instructor and/or subject matter expert.  The dean of instruction will approve/deny the request, and forward to: registrar if credit is approved; student services/records if credit is denied.
  4. The registrar will post the credit to the student’s academic record in the manner described in policy 500.5; student services/records will retain the request form in the student’s academic file.

Credit for Prior Learning: Military Training/Experience


Documentation Required

Credit Hours Awarded

IECC Course  

Basic Military Training

DD214 (with honorable separation)

7 Hrs. (Total)

EDU 1107
PEG 1137
PEI 1100
PEI 2100

Military Training Programs

Joint Services Transcript




A student who has obtained a professional/industry recognized license, certification, credential, etc. that relates to an IECC career and technical certificate or degree, may be granted academic credit based on the considerations outlined in policy 500.5 (above) and in accordance with this procedureCredit awarded is limited to the course equivalencies outlined in this table. The table is updated when faculty recommendations are presented to the dean of instruction for acceptance and then submitted to Cabinet for final approval. Review of the table for continued validity is performed in conjunction with the program review cycle.

Request and approval steps:

  1. Student must confer with an advisor to begin the process and obtain the required recommendation/signature on the Credit for Prior Learning Request Form. Student will provide any applicable certifying information as well as authorization to contact appropriate authorities for verification purposes. Additional experience and/or documentation may be required.

  1. Student will then submit the request to the dean of instruction for review.

  1. The dean of instruction will review, approve/deny the request, considering the currency of the provided evidence of accomplishment, and forward to: registrar if credit is approved; student services/records if credit is denied.

  1. The registrar will post the credit to the student’s academic record in the manner described in policy 500.5; student services/records will retain the request form in the student’s academic file.

A student who has completed any of the testing methods identified below may be awarded academic credit based on the considerations outlined in policy 500.5 (above) and in accordance with this procedure.

Proficiency Examinations Administered by IECC

IECC awards credit by proficiency examinations administered on-campus at an IECC Testing Center. Courses eligible for proficiency testing are limited, requiring evaluation on a case-by-case basis. The following conditions apply:

  • A proficiency examination may not be taken for a course which a student has previously completed for credit, audit, or pass/fail.
  • A student may take a particular proficiency examination only once.
  • A student has 30 days from the date of payment to complete the exam.

Request and approval steps:

  1. Student must confer with their advisor and the appropriate instructor to begin the process and obtain the required permission/signature on the Proficiency Application. Permission is granted when the instructor has reason to believe the student possesses sufficient proficiency in the subject course.   

  2. If approved by the instructor, the student must obtain signatures of  permission from the advisor and dean of instruction.

  3. Once fully approved, student must take the application to the Business Office to remit payment and secure signature as proof of payment. This payment is nonrefundable.

  4. Student must submit application to the approving instructor who will arrange for the exam.

  5. Once the proficiency examination has been completed, the instructor will determine the grade and note it on the application, sign the application, and forward it to the dean of instruction.

  6. The dean of instruction will review, sign application, and forward form to: registrar if exam was completed with a C or better; student services/records if exam was not completed with a C or better.  

  7. The registrar will post the credit to the student’s academic record in the manner described in policy 500.5; student services/records will retain the application in the student’s academic file.

Examinations Administered by Others and Accepted by IECC

IECC awards academic credit from the following standardized tests when minimum scores are achieved:

  • AP (Advanced Placement) testing - Students who have participated in the high school Advanced Placement program and successfully completed the associated testing may be eligible to receive college credit. Credit is considered for AP scores of 3 or greater and limited to the course equivalencies outlined in this table.
  • CLEP (College Level Examination Program) testing - Sponsored by College Board, this program allows students to demonstrate the knowledge they've acquired through various life experiences such as independent study, on the job training, professional development, and internships. There are over 30 examinations available which must be taken at established test centers. Credit is considered for CLEP scores of 50 or greater and limited to the course equivalencies outlined in this table.
  • IB (International Baccalaureate) program - Some students may have chosen the International Baccalaureate course of study as part of their high school curriculum, allowing students to complete college-level coursework which leads to final examinations in 6 subject areas. Credit will be considered for IB scores of 4 or greater and will be evaluated for applicability to IECC courses upon receipt.
  • GED (General Education Development) testing - An alternative to a high school diploma, the GED test is made up of 4 subject tests which, when passed, provides certification that the individual has high school level academic skills. Credit is considered for GED scores equal to or greater than 175 and limited to the course equivalencies outlined in this table.

Students wishing to use this credit at IECC must submit an official document, verifying their examination scores, to student services. AP, CLEP, and GED documentation will be reviewed by the student’s advisor for evaluation. The advisor may consult the dean of instruction as necessary and then send recommendations to the registrar for posting to the student’s academic record in the manner described in policy 500.5. IB documentation will be reviewed by the dean of instruction and/or faculty with recommendations being submitted to the registrar for posting to the student’s academic record in the manner described in policy 500.5.  

The deans of instruction review the subject examination criteria in order to determine if credit will be awarded for electives, general education requirements or major requirements and the number of credit hours to be awarded. Additionally, recommendations are reviewed from the Illinois Articulation Initiative pertaining to Advanced Placement credit.

Every 2 years (minimum), the deans of instruction (or designee) will review the AP, CLEP, and  GED tables to ensure they are current and inclusive of all applicable areas of study/courses.

A student who has evidence of a State Seal of Biliteracy on his/her high school transcript may be awarded academic credit based on the considerations outlined in policy 500.5 (above) and in accordance with this procedure. Credit is limited to the course equivalencies outlined in the table below. Additionally, the student must have graduated from high school within 3 academic years of requesting the credit at IECC.

Request and approval steps:

  1. Student must confer with an advisor to begin the process and obtain the required recommendation/signature on the Credit for Prior Learning Request form

  2. Student will then submit the request to the dean of instruction for review.

  3. The dean of instruction will review and approve/deny. Approval is granted by confirming the student’s high school transcript contains the certified State Seal of Biliteracy designation and ensuring the student graduated within 3 academic years of petitioning for the credit. The dean of instruction will then forward to: registrar if credit is approved; student services/records if credit is denied.

  4. The registrar will post the credit to the student’s academic record in the manner described in policy 500.5; student services/records will retain the request form in the student’s academic file.

Credit for Prior Learning: State Seal of Biliteracy

High School Course

IECC Course

2 years high school French

FRE 1111
FRE 1121

2 years high school German

GER 1111
GER 1121

2 years high school Spanish

SPN 1111
SPN 1121

2 years high school Sign Language

HEA 1201
HEA 2201


A student who has life experience and/or work skills may be eligible to create a portfolio for evaluation of academic credit based on the considerations outlined in policy 500.5 (above) and in accordance with this procedure. This procedure acknowledges learned experiences which occur outside the classroom and provides a structure to which faculty can evaluate a portfolio to determine learning outcomes and competencies are documented. Credit is awarded for learning that occurred through experience and/or work skills – not for the experience itself.  Courses eligible for portfolio evaluation are limited, requiring evaluation on a case-by-case basis.

Documentation or evidence of learning experiences and competency can take several forms:

  • Resume
  • Performance evaluations
  • Job descriptions
  • Certificates of completion for trainings, workshops, or seminars
  • Technical or professional writing
  • Demonstration of tasks
  • Sample work projects
  • Licenses

Request and approval steps:

  1. Student must confer with their advisor and the appropriate instructor to begin the process and obtain the required permission/signatures on the Proficiency Application. Permission is granted when the instructor has reason to believe the student possesses equivalent life experience to the course. A student may not attempt credit for a course which he/she has previously completed for credit, audit, or pass/fail.

  2. If approved by the instructor, the student must obtain signatures of permission from the advisor and dean of instruction.

  3. Once fully approved, the student must take the application to the Business Office to remit payment and secure signature as proof of payment. This payment is non-refundable.

  4. The student will return to the approving instructor to coordinate a timeline for evaluation of the portfolio.

  5. Upon evaluation of the portfolio, the instructor will indicate on the application form whether the credit should (competency level is at a grade level C or better) or should not (competency level was below a passing grade or insufficient data was provided to make a determination) be granted. Form and portfolio will be forwarded to the dean of instruction.

  6. The dean of instruction will review, sign application, and forward to: registrar if credit is granted for the portfolio evaluation; student services/records if credit is not granted for the portfolio evaluation.   

  7. The registrar will post the credit to the student’s academic record in the manner described in policy 500.5; student services/records will retain the application in the student’s academic file.