
Dual Credit Cost

IECC offers an affordable dual credit program with reduced fees for students. Fees for dual credit are billed directly to your high school.  It is at each high school’s discretion to determine if the high school district will pay the cost of the dual credit fees or if they will pass the cost on to the student.  As part of the agreement between IECC and your school, students considered low-income must not be billed. Please contact your high school or IECC's Director of Dual Credit for your school if you have any questions about the fee structure or how dual credit costs will be handled at your school.

Course Designation

Type A Course* Fee 
(per Course/per Student)

Type B, C, D Course** Fee
(per Credit Hour/per Student)

Core Priority (A course identified in the Three to Your Degree Model)



Priority Career Pathway (A career-focused course)



Elective (All other courses)



*Type A courses are taught at the high school (or other high school-managed location) by high school personnel

**Type B, C, and D courses are taught by IECC personnel. The classes will be:

  • at the high school (Type B);

  • online, distance learning, or other hybrid model  (Type C); or

  • at an IECC campus or IECC satellite location  (Type D)


NOTE: See  Program & Course Fees for additional fees associated with specific courses.