The Illinois Eastern Community Colleges-Student Nurses Association members are enrolled in NUR 1208 or NUR 2208 Independent Study in Nursing. Members of the IECC-SNA must be enrolled in the IECC Associate Degree in Nursing Program.
Within the semester in which the student is enrolled in NUR 1208 or NUR 2208, the members shall:
1. Understand and follow the mission of the National Student Nurses Association (NSNA) and the Student Nurses Associate (SNAI).
2. Understand the IECC-SNA Bylaws.
3. Attend IECC-SNA campus meetings and one IECC-SNA meeting per semester.
4. Maintain a mentor-mentee relationship with another student enrolled in the core IECC-OCC and nursing program.
5. Complete the 15 hours of contact for 1 credit. There is no tuition fee for this course. This is a Pass / Fail course.
The IECC-SNA completes several community service projects during the year. Members participate in the health fairs, blood drives, and other community events to raise awareness of nursing and healthcare issues. The club also conducts recruitment projects and holds several fund-raising projects to support the club actions, such as Political Action Day trips and other community support efforts.

Frontier SNA members spread joy by conducting a stuffed animal drive.

Lincoln Trail SNA members are excited about nursing AND tree decorating!

Olney Central SNA members put together Easter baskets for local Head Start students.