
Current Academic Catalog and Addendum


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The following are updates, changes, and corrections to the 2024-2025 IECC College Catalog since its publication.  Where appropriate, links are provided to view the new or revised subject-matter. 

July 2024

  • Updated Financial Information to remove Dual Credit Student Fees from the list of Miscellaneous Fees. A new fee structure was approved by the Board of Trustees (via approval of the Dual Credit Model Partnership Agreements) in June, and it was determined the fee information was no longer suitable for the catalog. Effective Fall 2024 term. (p. 44)

  • Updated Financial Information to reflect an increase in the Proctoring Test Fee from $15 to $35 per July 2024 Board approval. Effective immediately. (p. 44)

  • Extensive update of Massage Therapy (THM C338) curriculum, including reduction of total credit hours from 43 to 29. Effective Fall 2024. (p. 116)