IECC Policy on Tobacco and Smoking
The Board of Trustees of Illinois Eastern Community Colleges recognizes the importance of providing a healthy environment for students, staff, and the general public in compliance with the Illinois Smoke Free Campus Act (Public Act 98-0985). In addition to smoking, the District further extends the prohibition to include tobacco products and the littering of tobacco product remains or any other related tobacco waste product on District property.
As of July 1, 2015, smoking and the use of tobacco products is prohibited on all IECC property, both indoors and outdoors, with the only exception being persons in non-District owned or leased vehicles.
This policy applies to any individual on IECC property, including but not limited to students, faculty, staff, contractors, subcontractors, volunteers, members of the public, business invitees, and visitors. This policy is applicable twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week and will be communicated to all through conspicuous signage. Maps depicting the locations where smoking and tobacco use are prohibited will be posted on the IECC website (SEE BELOW). Students in violation of this policy shall be subject to the sanctions described in the Student Code of Conduct; all others shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

“Smoking” means (1) lighting or burning any type of matter or substance that contains tobacco, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, pipes, beedies, kreteks, water pipes, bongs, and hookahs; (2) lighting or burning of non-tobacco plants or marijuana (including medical marijuana); and (3) using electronic cigarettes, electronic vaporizing devices, personal vaporizers, or electronic nicotine delivery systems, or any electronic inhaler that is meant to simulate and substitute for tobacco smoking.
“Tobacco Products” means all forms of tobacco, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, smokeless tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacco, or any other similar tobacco product.
“IECC Property” means any property owned, leased, occupied, operated or otherwise controlled by Illinois Eastern Community Colleges, including but not limited to vehicles, academic and auxiliary buildings, entrances to buildings, classrooms, laboratories, residence halls, elevators, stairwells, restrooms, roofs, meeting rooms, hallways, lobbies, conference facilities, athletic complexes, exterior open spaces, lots, driveways, loading docks, sidewalks, and walkways, and as further set forth on the Tobacco-Free Campus Map for each campus.
Smoke-free/Tobacco-free Campus Maps
Click on the college below to view the map.