The Transition Center, funded by the Federal Perkins grant, provides support services that assist special population students in career and technical education. Criteria for the program include:
Individuals with disabilities (both cognitive and physical)
Individuals from economically disadvantaged families-including low income youth and adults
Individuals preparing for nontraditional fields
Single parents- including pregnant and parenting teens
Out-of-workforce individuals
English learners
Homeless individuals
Youth who are in, or have aged out of, the foster care system
Youth with a parent who is a member of the armed forces and is on active duty
Services provided include financial assistance to cover textbook loans, mileage or fuel, internet services, and other support services and referrals.
To learn more, contact Rob Jackman, Project Coordinator of Transition Center & Perkins, at 618-263-5539 Ext. 3399 or Email: