
Hazing Policy

Illinois Eastern Community Colleges (IECC) promotes healthy, safe, and balanced lifestyles within the college community. Individual students, student organizations, and athletic teams play a vital role in this process, and provide transformative opportunities for friendship, leadership, and personal growth and discovery. Hazing of any kind is contrary to these values and is illegal in Illinois; therefore, IECC expressly prohibits hazing activities, whether individually or in concert with others, and shall:

  • Implement research-informed, campus-wide prevention programs and primary prevention strategies to raise awareness and prevent hazing;
  • Include statistics for hazing incidents in the Annual Security Report and publicize the availability of this information via the IECC public website; (Hazing statistics will become available in the Annual Security Report beginning with the 2026 Report.)
  • Disseminate this policy and applicable local, state, and Tribal hazing laws on the IECC public website;
  • Compile a Campus Hazing Transparency Report and publish it on the IECC public website; (Coming December 2025)

Reporting and Processing Alleged Hazing Violations  
All hazing-related activities, including incident reporting, investigations, disciplinary actions, and appeals adhere to the protocols outlined in IECC’s Student Code of Conduct.

Because of the socially coercive nature of hazing, implied or expressed consent by anyone to hazing is not a defense under this policy.

For the purpose of this policy, hazing is defined as any intentional, knowing, or reckless act committed by a person, whether individually or in concert with others, against another person or persons, regardless of the willingness of such other person or persons to participate. This act must be committed in connection with pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, holding office in, participating in, or maintaining membership in any organization or team affiliated with any IECC campus. Hazing includes acts that cause or create a risk of physical or psychological injury, humiliation, intimidation, or demeaning the person or persons, beyond the reasonable risk encountered in the course of participation in the IECC organization or team. Hazing also includes soliciting, directing, aiding, or otherwise participating actively or passively in the above acts.