Illinois Eastern Community Colleges do business with vendors large, small, and in-between. The District Business Office coordinates purchasing within the framework of the statutes, rules and policies of the Board of Trustees, the Illinois Community College Board and the Illinois Public Community College Act.
With guidelines put in place by IECC’s District Business Office, the individual Business Offices at each of the 4 colleges is responsible for overseeing the purchasing process for faculty and staff within their college on purchases less than $25,000. Formal bids are required for item(s) over $25,000 and will originate from the District Business Office with input from the requester.
Purchasing practices are based on the objective of securing the District's requirements for service, materials, supplies and equipment at the lowest possible cost, consistent with satisfactory standards for quality and service.
IECC strives to promote and encourage the continuing economic development of minority, female owned, and persons with disabilities operated businesses.
BEP/Purchasing Diversity
The Illinois Business Enterprise Program (BEP) for Minorities, Females, and Persons with Disabilities Act is designed to encourage state agencies to purchase needed goods and services from businesses owned and controlled by members of these groups. It is the policy of Illinois Eastern Community Colleges to promote the use of businesses owned by minorities, females, and persons with disabilities (BEP vendors).
Additional information, including qualifications for the BEP program, can be found on the Business Enterprise Program page of the Illinois Department of Central Management Services website.