
Overdue Account / Financial Hold

Processing Overdue Student Accounts and Financial Holds

The following provides an overview, including the timeline, of IECC's process for determining when a student account is overdue, the actions taken, implications, and remedies.   

  1. Initial student billing begins six weeks prior to term and then bi-weekly until three billing cycles have been processed for applicable students. If the account is not paid by midterm, an invoice is sent to the student with late fee charges assessed.

  2. For those student accounts not paid at mid-term, a one-time late fee of 5% will be assessed by the campus business office on the unpaid balance of tuition and fees (considering any pending financial aid award).

  3. At the time a late fee is assessed to the student account, a Financial Hold will be placed preventing changes to current schedule, registration in future terms, and graduation. For students enrolled in future terms at the time any hold is placed under this procedure, the registration will remain until the first day of the future term. The student is notified of this action.  

  4. At the end of the term, students are notified of any outstanding balances and provided information on reconciling the debt and the consequences of nonpayment.

  5. If, at the new term the account balance is $50 or more, the student will be dropped for non-payment. Exception:  Balances of $500 or less may be carried over to the new term, provided the student engages in a past-due payment plan with the District’s third-party provider. Balances less than $50 may be carried over to the new term without a past-due payment plan. The student is notified of the outstanding balance and provided information on reconciling the debt and the consequences of nonpayment.

  6. When an account of $150 or more is not paid in full 30 days following the end of a semester and a past-due payment plan does not exist for the student, such account will be forwarded to the Business Officer in charge of collections by the 31st day following the end of such semester for action by our collection agency. The student is notified of this action. (See Debt Appeal Process below.)

  7. Collection fees on overdue accounts are the responsibility of the student. Collection fees are communicated to the student through the Financial Responsibility Form completed at time of registration.

  8. A student cannot receive their diploma and registration activities are prohibited until all overdue accounts ($50 or more) are paid in full or a past-due payment plan is in place as described above. Once the overdue account has been satisfactorily addressed, the Financial Hold will be removed.

Debt Appeal Process

  1. When a student is notified of their account being turned over to a collection agency, they will also receive an official notice of their debt appeal rights and a Debt Appeal Form in the event the student would like to file a formal appeal of the debt.

  2. Upon receipt of the Debt Appeal Form and any supporting documentation from the student, the Debt Appeals Committee will forward to the campus Business Officer for investigation. The investigation will be thorough and all documentation will be returned to the Debt Appeals Committee within (5) business days.

  3. The Debt Appeals Committee will review all information from the student and from the campus Business Officer. If a face-to-face hearing is requested, it may be granted.  A formal determination will be made as soon as practical, but no more than 30 days after all information has been gathered.  A final determination will be mailed to the student.

Questions or concerns regarding these process or an overdue account may be addressed to your campus's business office.

To register a complaint at IECC related to these processes, contact:

Ryan Hawkins, Chief Financial Officer
233 E. Chestnut Street
Olney, IL  62450
Phone 618.393.2982  

To register a complaint with the Illinois Attorney General's Office, visit: