
Grading System


Grades are awarded to reflect the quality of student performance. Grade values are assigned on a 4.0 scale from A to F. The following table provides current applicable grades (all grades are considered earned) with corresponding descriptions and quality points earned, as well as information pertaining to grade suffixes.


A Excellent 4 times the hrs. of credit
B Good 3 times the hrs. of credit
C Average 2 times the hrs. of credit
D Passing 1 times the hrs. of credit
F Failure 0 times the hrs. of credit
I Incomplete Determined by final grade
N No grade submitted Not computed
W Withdrawal prior to completion Not computed
AU Audit Not computed
P Pass (pass/fail course) Not computed
F* Fail (pass/fail course) Not computed
Grade Suffix
G Grade Forgiveness Not computed
Q Less than college level Not computed
Q* Less than college level Not computed


Grade Point Average (GPA)

The GPA is indicative of a student’s general scholastic average and is a measure of the quality of his/her work. A student's GPA is determined by dividing the number of quality points earned (numeric equivalent of grade earned x credit hour value for the course) by the total number of credit hours attempted. For example, if a student earned 100 quality points and attempted 40 semester hours of work, his/her GPA would be 2.5 (100 ÷ 40).

Incomplete Grades

An incomplete “I” grade is a temporary grade which may be assigned, at the instructor’s discretion, when extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the student prevents completion of course requirements by the end of the academic term. Prior to the end of the term, the student must initiate this process by discussing the terms for the Incomplete with the instructor who will document the work to be completed electronically via the Record of Incomplete Grade.

Incomplete grades for regular sixteen-week courses should be completed by the fourth week of the next term or the incomplete grade will be changed to an F. Incomplete grades given for courses outside the regular sixteen-week schedule must be finished within four weeks from the end date of the course or the incomplete grade will be changed to an F.

Incomplete grades may be given only in the following circumstances:

  • The student's work to date is passing;
  • Attendance has been satisfactory through at least 60% of the term;
  • An illness or other extenuating circumstance legitimately prevents completion of required work by the due date;
  • Required work may reasonably be completed in an agreed-upon time frame and does not require the student to re-take any portion of the course;
  • The incomplete is not given as a substitute for a failing grade;
  • The incomplete is not based solely on a student's failure to complete work or as a means of raising his or her grade by doing additional work after the grade report time.

Pass/Fail Grades

Students exercising the pass/fail option must declare their intentions at registration by designating it on the Student Information and Registration Form (available in Student Services) or completing a Pass/Fail Course Request Form. Students may not change to the traditional letter-grade option after the end of late registration.

Students planning to transfer to senior institutions are discouraged from taking courses under the pass/fail option and should consult with their advisor before selecting this alternative.

Additional Guidelines:

  • A student may take a maximum of twelve (12) pass/fail credit hours, with certain exceptions.
  • A student enrolled in a transfer degree may not take general education requirements for pass/fail credit.
  • A student enrolled in a certificate or an Associate in Applied Science degree program may not take degree/ certificate courses for pass/fail credit. Exceptions: NUR 1206, NUR 2205, or those courses entitled "Internship" or "Seminar".
  • A student may take continuing education courses for pass/fail credit.
  • A student must earn a C or better to receive a P in a P/F course.
  • A grade of F* (Fail) or P (Pass) will not be computed in the grade point average.
  • Applicable tuition and fees apply.

Final Grades

At the conclusion of each course, instructors shall assign an official grade for each student enrolled based on the criteria outlined in the course syllabus. Final grades are posted to each individual student’s academic record at the end of the academic term in which the course was completed. Accurate academic records must be kept by each instructor for auditing and verification purposes. At the end of each term, students may access their grades using Entrata. Click here for instructions on accessing grades via Entrata.

Grade Appeals

Under specific, limited circumstances and within a prescribed timeframe, students may appeal a final grade.   The institution will not review the judgment of a faculty member in assessing the quality of student’s work.  However, if the student believes a faculty member improperly assigned a semester grade due to at least one of the criteria described below, the student may appeal by following the outlined procedure. All grade appeals are handled individually. The matter will be referred to the District Title IX/ADA Coordinator in cases where a grade appeal is based on a complaint involving sexual harassment or discrimination. Grade appeals cannot be initiated until the conclusion of the course and the instructor’s issue of a final grade.

Criteria for Grade Appeal
The burden of proof falls on the student to demonstrate one or more of the following has occurred:

  • A mathematical or clerical error results in the assignment of an incorrect grade;
  • The assignment of the grade was based on factors other than academic performance in the course;
  • The assigned grade was based on an unreasonable departure from the instructor’s previously announced standards;
  • The assignment of a grade was based on different standards than those applied to other students in the course; or
  • Instructor syllabus violates IECC policy which has a direct impact on the student grade.

Step 1: Appeal to Instructor
Upon consideration of these criteria, if a student believes a final grade was improperly or unfairly assigned, the student should seek an informal resolution by contacting the instructor. Contact must be made by the end of the second week of the regular semester (fall or spring) following the term in which the grade in question was received. In the event the student does not receive a response from the instructor by the end of the third week of the regular semester, the student should contact the appropriate dean of instruction to facilitate a meeting with the instructor or recommend the student advance to Step 2.

At the informal meeting with instructor, the student is to provide reason(s) for the requested grade change. If the instructor agrees with the reason(s) for the grade change, the instructor will complete a Grade Change Form. If the instructor denies the student’s request, the student will be informed of the decision in writing and he/she may pursue a formal review of the grade. Instructor action will be within 5 working days of meeting with the student.    

Step 2: Appeal to Academic Standards Committee
Within 5 working days of the informal meeting with the instructor, the student may register a formal appeal by submitting a Grade Appeal Form to the appropriate dean  to initiate a review by the Academic Standards Committee.  Within 10 working days of receipt of the Grade Appeal Form, a written decision will be issued to the student.

If the committee agrees with the reason(s) for the grade change, the dean will advise the instructor to complete a Grade Change Form. If the decision of the committee is unsatisfactory to either party, that individual will have the right to appeal to the president.   

Step 3: Appeal to President 
Within 5 working days of the committee’s decision, the student or instructor may request (in writing) a meeting with the president to discuss the decision of the Academic Standards Committee. Within 10 working days of the receipt of the request, a written decision will be issued to the student.

If the president agrees with the grade change, the instructor will be advised to complete a Grade Change Form. If the decision of the president is unsatisfactory to either party, that individual will have the right to appeal to the chancellor.

Step 4: Appeal to Chancellor
Within 5 working days of the president’s decision, the student or instructor may request (in writing) a meeting with the chancellor to discuss the decision of the president. Upon review, the chancellor may dismiss the grade appeal with or without meeting with the aggrieved party. Alternatively, the chancellor may meet with the aggrieved party and, within 5 working days, provide a written decision.

Step 5: Appeal to the Board of Trustees
Within 5 working days of the chancellor’s decision, the student or instructor may request (in writing) a meeting with the Board of Trustees to contest the decision of the chancellor/president. Upon review, the Board Chair (or their designee) may dismiss the grade appeal with or without meeting with the aggrieved party. Alternatively, the Board Chair (or their designee) may arrange a meeting with the aggrieved party with representatives of the Board at a time and date of their choosing.  All decisions of the Board of Trustees are final.

All official documents of the grade appeal will be kept by the Registrar in the Office of Admissions and Records.

Grade Forgiveness

The purpose of Grade Forgiveness is to provide a student who performed poorly previously at IECC an opportunity to recover from deficient academic performance.  Therefore, students seeking re-entry into a certificate or degree program who have academic records that are at least three years old may petition to the Academic Standards Committee to have all F (Fail) and WF* (Withdrawal Failing) grades forgiven for the purpose of calculating their cumulative grade point average at IECC.

Student should:

  1. Meet with an academic advisor to discuss eligibility;
  2. Complete the Grade Forgiveness Petition form and document the circumstances which impacted the original grade(s), new goals, and plans to further education.
  3. Submit signed form to the dean.
  4. Be advised:
  • Grade Forgiveness is offered only one time;
  • Petition must be submitted to the IECC campus of re-entry;
  • Forgiven grades will remain on transcripts;
  • Based on their own policies, other colleges and universities may consider the original grade(s) in their CGPA calculations;
  • Grade Forgiveness before the three-year period may be considered if there are documented extenuating circumstances;
  • Financial aid eligibility may be impacted; contact the financial aid office.

The dean will, within 15 working days of receiving the Petition, ensure the Academic Standards Committee meets and makes a determination.  The decision of the committee is final.

*Effective summer semester FY1999, IECC no longer awards WF (or WP) grades.