
Sex Offender Registration

Registering as a Sex Offender at IECC
State and federal law require sex offenders or sexual predators (as defined in the Illinois Sex Offender Registration Act 730 ILCS 150/3) to register as such, within 3 days, at the college or university they attend or are employed. Sex offenders who fail to properly register their status as a student or employee at an institution of higher education are in violation of the law and face arrest for a Class 3 Felony.  

Students are required to register as a sex offender/predator with the Student Services Specialist at the campus of attendance upon enrollment/admittance. Students who neglect to self-identify by the third day of beginning school (or within 3 days of a sexual offense conviction that requires registration) may be subject to immediate expulsion.

Employees who fail to register with Human Resources within 3 days of employment or conviction will be subject to dismissal.

Note that this IECC registration process is in addition to their responsibility to register with their agency of jurisdiction in which they reside as well as the agency of jurisdiction where they attend school/work.    

Important: Due to the presence of minors, IECC has the right to limit access by sex offenders to courses, programs, and areas on campus.


Illinois State Police Sex Offender Registry
To access the statewide registry, or for additional information regarding registered sex offenders in Illinois, visit