IECC Secondary Menu


(Consumer Information Disclosure)

Each campus has a bookstore with required course materials for that specific campus's courses.  The online bookstore links below provide pricing and ISBN information in a user-friendly search.

Click here for instructions on ordering textbooks online through the campus bookstores. 

Financial aid recipients may be allowed to charge against certain awarded funds - click here for more information.

Click on the links below for hours, important dates, FAQs, and much more.

Frontier Community College Bookstore                                                         

618/842-5299 Extension 4244


Lincoln Trail College Bookstore                                               

618/544-5299 Extension 1140


Olney Central College Bookstore                                            

618/392-5299 Extension 2144


Wabash Valley College Bookstore                                          

618/263-4999 Extension 3310