Apprenticeship is an industry-driven, high-quality career pathway where employers can develop and prepare their future workforce, and individuals can obtain paid work experience, classroom instruction, and a portable, nationally-recognized credential.

Apprenticeship Benefits
As an institution of higher learning with a heavy concentration on career and technical education, we know the value of an apprenticeship from the standpoint of a student. Consider the value an apprenticeship program might bring to your company:
5 Reasons Employers Should Consider Apprenticeships
To address America’s skills gap and to rapidly increase the availability of high-quality apprenticeship programs in sectors where apprenticeship opportunities are not widespread, the Department of Labor has issued a Final Rule that establishes a system for advancing the development of high-quality Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Programs (IRAPs).
IRAP General Fact Sheet
Industry Fact Sheets
It's been painfully apparent over the past several months that our healthcare workers are not only extremely vital, but in high demand. Healthcare apprenticeship programs could be the initial step in training and retaining quality individuals in this highly sought-after field.
Healthcare Fact Sheet
Information Technology continues to be a growing industry with many challenges due to the demands of rapid technology advancements. An apprenticeship program in Information Technology can provide talent in an ever-changing industry.
Information Technology Fact Sheet
The transportation sector is yet another industry that has experienced a workforce shortage.
Transportation Fact Sheet