
Withdrawal Policy

(Consumer Information Disclosure)

Course Adds/Drops/Withdrawals and Refunds

Unforeseen circumstances or changes in plans may lead to necessary modifications to a student's schedule. In accordance with IECC's Withdrawal Policy (500.30), adding, dropping, or withdrawing a course is the student's responsibility and MUST be initiated during specifically set forth days. It’s important to be aware of these dates and to know the difference between a drop and a withdrawal at IECC.  While the process for initiating both are similar, the timing may result in very different outcomes, as described below.   


A dropped course is one in which:

  • Official action is taken to remove from the student’s schedule within:
    • The first 10 business days of a 16-week course schedule.
    • The first 5 business days of an 8-week course schedule.
    • The proportionate time of any other schedule not conforming to a 16- or 8-week course schedule.
  • There will be no record of the course on student’s academic record.
  • The student receives 100% refund of tuition and fees.

The drop period coincides with the refund period.


A withdrawn course is one in which:

  • Official action is taken to remove from the student’s schedule after the drop period has ended, but no later than:
    • 2 weeks before the last day of class for a 16-week course schedule.
    • 1 week before the last day of class for an 8-week course schedule.
    • The proportionate time of any other schedule not conforming to a 16- or 8-week course schedule.
  • The course appears on the student’s academic record with a “W”, signifying “Withdrawal prior to completion”, and will not be computed in the GPA.
  • The student receives no refund of tuition and fees.

If no official action is taken to withdraw from a course during the prescribed deadlines, the course will appear on the student’s academic record with the earned letter grade.


A course may be added to a student’s schedule during the same period of time defined for the drop period. An added course is one in which:

  • Official action is taken to place additional coursework on a student’s schedule within:
    • The first 10 business days of a 16-week course schedule (with instructor approval*).
    • The first 5 business days of an 8-week course schedule (with instructor approval*)
  • The course appears on the student’s academic record.
  • The additional tuition and fees will be added to the student’s account.

* Student requests to add a course may be denied due to the accelerated pace of the class. 


Student-initiated Action to Add, Drop, or Withdraw  

Due to possible unintended consequences resulting from schedule changes, students are strongly encouraged to seek guidance from instructors, academic advisors, college & career center specialists, and financial aid personnel prior to making any changes. Official action requires completion of the Course, Program, or Catalog Term Change Form.

Specific dates/deadlines for adding, dropping, or withdrawing from a course (conforming to a 16- and 8-week course schedule) can be found here: Semester Dates and Deadlines   Contact student services or your advisor to determine drop/withdrawal deadlines for courses that do not conform to a 16- or 8-week course schedule.


Administrative Drops and Withdrawals  
While the responsibility to drop or withdraw a course is the student’s, there are limited instances when a college administrator may initiate this action. Administrative drops and withdrawals adhere to the same guidelines and result in the same consequences as those described above.

  1. Prohibited Conduct. Outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.
  2. Disciplinary. Suspension or dismissal for the remainder of an academic semester or longer.
  3. Registration Violation. Registration in violation of college regulations and requirements (academic ineligibility to register).
  4. Health Issues. Severe psychological or health problems such that a student cannot be permitted to continue in attendance.
  5. Other. Reasons deemed appropriate by the president or dean of instruction.

Prior to initiating an administrative withdrawal, the instructor submits a Progress Report to alert the college & career center specialist or academic advisor to contact the student. If there is no resolution, (i.e. student-initiated action), an instructor may recommend a withdrawal if deemed to be in the best academic interest of the student. The withdrawal must be approved by the dean of instruction. The Student Services Office will notify the student and  financial aid personnel of the action taken.

Students must act immediately, by contacting their instructor, if an opportunity for reinstatement in the course is desired.


Exceptions to the Withdrawal Policy can be found here: 
Policy to Protect Academic Standing of Dual Credit Students 

Active Duty Withdrawal

Learn more about how a withdrawal could affect anticipated aid:
Return of Title IV Funds Policy

Return of Unearned Tuition Assistance Policy