
Academic Standing

Academic standards have been established and measures taken to ensure satisfactory progress is being made by students toward their chosen program of study and/or declared objectives. A student’s academic standing is determined at the close of each grading period and becomes part of his/her permanent education record, which is noted under each term on the transcript. The following describes IECC’s academic standing classifications and the basis for the classifications. 

Good Academic Standing 
Students at IECC are in good academic standing when they maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.0 (C). Only students in good academic standing will be considered for an overload request. Students must be in good academic standing to graduate.

The student’s transcript will be identified with “GOOD STANDING”.   

Academic Warning 
Academic Warning serves as an alert to the student that their good academic standing may be in jeopardy. For a student to be placed on Academic Warning, 2 things have occurred:

  1. The student has earned at least twelve (12) credit hours at IECC; and

  2. The student’s most recent term GPA fell below 2.0

As a result of Academic Warning:

  1. The student will be given timely notice of Academic Warning and advised of available support and resources via written notification each term; 

  2. Overload requests may be denied;

  3. Student may be at risk of losing financial aid eligibility under the F.A. Satisfactory Academic Progress policy; and

  4. The student’s transcript will be identified with “GOOD STANDING”.   

Academic Probation
Academic Probation serves as a warning to the student that satisfactory progress is not being made. For a student to be placed on Academic Probation, 2 things have occurred:

  1. The student has earned at least twelve (12) credit hours at IECC; and

  2. The student’s Cumulative GPA has fallen below 2.0.

As a result of Academic Probation:

  1. The student will be given timely notice of Academic Probation via written notification each term;   

  2. The student is required to meet with an advisor and/or college & career center specialist to develop an Academic Success Plan;

  3. Overload requests are denied;

  4. Student may be at risk of losing financial aid eligibility under the F.A. Satisfactory Academic Progress policy; and

  5. The student’s transcript will be identified with “ACADEMIC PROBATION” (or “CONTINUED PROBATION”).

For a student on Academic Probation, one of the following will occur at the close of the next/subsequent grading period(s): 

  • Good Academic Standing is achieved by attaining a 2.0 Cumulative GPA (minimum); or
  • Academic Probation continues by attaining a 2.0 Term GPA (minimum) and still falling below the 2.0 CGPA; or
  • Placed on Program Suspension due to a Term GPA below 2.0.

Program Suspension  
For a student to be placed on Program Suspension, 2 things have occurred:

  1. The student was on Academic Probation; and

  2. The student’s term GPA has fallen below 2.0.

As a result of Program Suspension:

  1. The student will be given timely notice of Program Suspension via written notification each term;

  2. The student is required to meet with an advisor and/or college & career center specialist to review or redevelop their Academic Success Plan;

  3. The student may take classes, but as a course enrollee only;

  4. The student may not take more than 15 credit hours;

  5. The student is not eligible for financial assistance; and

  6. The student’s transcript will be identified with “PROGRAM SUSPENSION” (or “CONTINUED SUSPENSION”).

For a student on Program Suspension, one of the following will occur at the close of the next/subsequent grading period(s): 

  • Good Academic Standing is achieved by attaining a 2.0 Cumulative GPA (minimum); or

  • Program Suspension continues by attaining a 2.0 Term GPA (minimum) and still falling below the 2.0 CGPA; or

  • Placed on College Suspension due to a Term GPA below 2.0.

College Suspension  
For a student to be placed on College Suspension, 2 things have occurred:

  1. The student was on Program Suspension; and

  2. The student’s term GPA has fallen below 2.0.

As a result of College Suspension:

  1. The student will be given timely notice of College Suspension, via written notification, and advised of steps required to reapply:
    a.) Petition for readmission; and
    b.) If readmitted, meet with an advisor and/or college & career center specialist to develop an Academic Success Plan.
  1. The student’s transcript will be identified with “COLLEGE SUSPENSION”.

Additional Academic Progress Considerations

  • The Federal Government has also established satisfactory academic progress standards as it relates to eligibility of federal financial aid. These financial aid standards are in addition to the standards outlined in this policy. Financial Aid recipients, see the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress policy
  • Some IECC programs have academic standards that exceed the minimums described in this policy. Allied Health students should refer to their respective program handbooks for special academic progress requirements applicable to their program.