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First-Year Student Housing Policy

***** IECC's first-year housing policy becomes effective fall term 2025 *****

IECC is committed to fostering student success and providing a supportive and engaging learning environment. Research demonstrates the numerous positive effects of college-affiliated living, including improved academic performance, enhanced satisfaction with faculty, and a stronger sense of student community. The structured living arrangements offered by college-affiliated housing also aid in student maturation and prepare them for independent living in the future.

In consideration of the benefits of college-affiliated residency, beginning with the fall 2025 term, IECC will require all full-time, out-of-district first-year students to reside in college-affiliated housing unless an exemption applies.   

Exemptions to the Housing Requirement

A.  Automatic Exemption (Documentation may be required.)    IECC grants an automatic exemption to those who:

  1. Have been residents of District 529 for at least one calendar year prior to the start of the academic term. 

  2. Reside within a 60-mile radius of the campus, at their parent's or legal guardian's permanent address (verification may be required).

  3. Are enrolled in fewer than 12 credit hours.

  4. Are exclusively enrolled in online courses each semester.

  5. Are 21 or older at the start of the academic term.

  6. Live with a spouse or qualifying domestic partner.

  7. Live with their legal dependents.

  8. Are Veterans of the U.S. military (submission of DD214 may be required).

  9. Have previously lived in college-affiliated housing for two semesters or earned at least 30 credit hours (excluding dual credit) with IECC or another post-secondary institution.

  10. Have documented medical needs which cannot be accommodated in available college-affiliated housing.

B.  Student-initiated Exemption

Individuals not eligible for one of the automatic exemptions identified above may, by July 1 for Fall enrollment and December 1 for Spring enrollment, complete an exemption request form. Requests, documenting the need for an exemption from college-affiliated housing, will be reviewed by the Registrar or designee and a decision made within 10 business days.

Housing Options

Please check back later for a complete list of college-affiliated housing.