
Freedom of Information Act

This information is being provided pursuant to the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 ILCS 140, an Illinois state statute which was created to provide for the public’s right to access government records.  As noted in IECC’s Freedom of Information Act (100.37) policy, it is the intention of IECC to ensure full compliance with the Act without compromising the privacy of individuals.

Description and Purpose of IECC
Illinois Eastern Community College District 529, which is comprised of 4 colleges located in a 3,000 square-mile area of southeastern Illinois near the Illinois-Indiana border, is one of 39 community college districts in the state recognized by the Illinois Community College Board and Illinois Board of Higher Education.  The purpose of the colleges is to sustain and advance excellence in learning by providing quality education for students seeking pre-baccalaureate and career and technical degrees or certificates. 

IECC's Governing Body
A  Board of Trustees establishes policy for the financing, governance, operation, and administration of Illinois Eastern Community Colleges. 

Functional Subdivisions
The functional structure of the district is displayed in the IECC Organizational Chart

Operating Budget
A comprehensive report of the current fiscal year budget is available here.

Number and Location of Sites
In addition to the administrative office in Olney, there are 4 main campuses.  Click here for for contact information. 

Full and Part Time Employees
There are approximately 294 full-time and 375 part-time employees.

Requesting Public Records
Some records are readily available on the website; however, for public records not housed on the website, a written request should be submitted to the FOIA Officer by fax, mail, email or in person.  For the convenience of the requester, a FOIA request form is available, containing information to help streamline the process.  Requesters not using the preferred form must include the following in their written request:

  • Requester’s full name, address, phone number and signature
  • The date of the request
  • A brief description of the public records desired, being as specific as possible in regard to dates, titles, file designations, etc.
  • The method for reviewing records (i.e. inspection or reproduction)
  • Whether the request is for commercial purposes
  • Whether a fee reduction or waiver is being requested

All requests will be processed in accordance with the Act.  A response can be expected within 5 business (operating) days (21 operating days for commercial requests).  It’s important to note, there are penalties for procuring records for a commercial purpose without disclosing they are being requested for a commercial purpose.

Types of Public Records maintained by IECC
The current list of public records that will be made available for inspection or reproduction under FOIA.  The FOIA Officer will assist with any questions or concerns pertaining to accessing these records.
Public records currently available on the website:
Annual Budget
Board Meeting Agendas, Minutes, and Schedule

FOIA Officer Contact Information
The Chancellor has designated the Human Resources Executive Director as the FOIA Officer:

Attn:  Andrea McDowell, FOIA Officer
Illinois Eastern Community Colleges
233 East Chestnut
Olney, IL  62450
Ph. 618-393-2982
Fax 618-395-1819


The FOIA Fee Schedule outlines charges for any applicable fees associated with obtaining public records.

Illinois Attorney General’s Website
Additional information, including the official (Public Access Counselor) to contact to appeal a denial, is available at this website: