
HLC Steering Committee Members

HLC Steering Committee

The HLC Steering Committee is a crucial component of our institution's commitment to maintaining high standards of academic quality and continuous improvement. Comprised of dedicated members from various departments and disciplines, the committee plays a vital role in ensuring compliance with the requirements and expectations set forth by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).

What is an HLC Steering Committee?

The HLC Steering Committee is a collaborative body responsible for overseeing and coordinating the institution's efforts in meeting HLC accreditation standards. The committee's primary objectives include:

  • Evaluating and monitoring institutional performance and effectiveness.
  • Implementing and aligning strategic initiatives with HLC requirements.
  • Facilitating comprehensive institutional self-assessment processes.
  • Developing and maintaining systems for collecting and analyzing data.
  • Ensuring compliance with accreditation criteria and federal regulations.
  • Promoting a culture of continuous improvement and institutional excellence.

Why is the HLC Steering Committee important?

The HLC Steering Committee paints a picture of accreditation compliance, institutional effectiveness, and continuous improvement to the HLC Peer Review Team through an Assurance Argument and evidence files to achieve a successful comprehensive visit and shape the culture of accreditation.

Now, let's meet our 2024 HLC Steering Committee Members



Paul Bruinsma

Paul Bruinsma, FCC Dean of Instruction/IECC Chief Academic Officer, Accreditation Liaison Officer & Criterion 5 Lead

Matt Fowler

Matt Fowler, WVC President/Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs, Criterion 1 Lead

Libby McVicker

Libby McVicker, Program Director of Grants and Compliance, Criterion 2 Lead

Brandon Weger

Brandon Weger, Program Director Institutional Assessment and Effectiveness, Criterion 3 Lead

Drew McMurray

Drew McMurray, History/Political Science Assistant Professor, WVC, Criterion 4 Lead

Eva Fatheree

Eva Fatheree, Coordinator of Curricular Reporting and Articulation, HLC Evidence Coordinator