Residency status is an important aspect of the registration process and is the primary factor in computing tuition rates. As defined in the Residency Policy, evidence of residence status for each applicant to Illinois Eastern Community Colleges shall be provided before or at the time of registration, but no later than the first day of classes. Evidence of residency is the responsibility of the student. The following information provides guidance for determining residency.
For proper enrollment reporting and tuition assessment, it’s essential for students to provide required documentation in a timely manner upon registration and any time there’s a change in permanent address. It is the responsibility of the student to advise the Admissions and Records Office, using the Student Information Update Form, of any address changes while enrolled at IECC.
Any questions or concerns related to residency can be directed to the Admissions and Records Office.
Proof of Illinois residency. One or more of the following documents will serve as evidence of a student’s residence and must be dated 30 days prior to the first day of classes unless evidence is presented indicating the student has permanently relocated.
An Illinois driver's license registration.
An Illinois automobile license registration.
An Illinois voter's registration card.
Proof of Employment (e.g. pay stub) in the State of Illinois.
Payment of Illinois income tax.
High school transcript.
Property Tax Statement.
Other non-self-serving documentation providing verification of the student’s address. (e.g. rent receipt)
A statement by the student certifying his/her address and residency. IECC staff shall verify the certification by sending correspondence to the address.
An affidavit signed by an IECC staff member who registered the student and personally evaluated one or more of the items listed above.
A review of the document(s) provided by the student will also determine in-district/out-of-district classification.
Documents required/guidance for determining residency classification for students who were not born in the United States. (Not applicable to undocumented students.)
Possession of Naturalization Documentation: U.S. Citizen. Documents above determine residency classification for enrollment and tuition.
Possession of Permanent Resident Card (I-551): Permanent Resident. Documents above determine residency classification for enrollment and tuition.
Possession of unexpired I-797: Non-U.S. Resident for enrollment; documents above determine residency classification for tuition.
Possession of expired I-797C: Non-U.S. Resident for enrollment; requires written proof that the process is still pending in order to be eligible for tuition other than Non-U.S. Resident.
Possession of an Arrival Departure Record (I-94) or Conditional Permanent Resident Card (I-551C): Non-U.S. Resident for enrollment; documents above determine residency classification for tuition.
Proof of status as a dependent of individual on work Visa: Non-U.S. Resident for enrollment; documents above determine residency classification for tuition.
Possession of F1 or F2 (Student) Visa or J1, J2 (Exchange Visitor) Visa or I-20: Non-U.S. Resident residency classification for enrollment and tuition.
To qualify for In-District tuition, students who are U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or undocumented individuals must submit proof of residency showing they lived within District 529 for at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the term. If applicant is under 18 years of age, documentation must reflect that at least one parent, stepparent, or appointed guardian is a legal resident of the district. Evidence of legal residency must be based on ownership and/or occupancy of a home in District 529 or a copy of one or more of the documents listed above (signifying In-District status). The county and/or the school district will aid in determining an applicant’s in-district status.
Students residing in the following counties are in District 529:
- Crawford
- Edwards
- Lawrence
- Richland
- Wabash
Only portions of the following counties are in District 529; students living in these counties may or may not be in District 529. Students from these counties should provide their property tax statement to confirm In-District residency status.
- Clark
- Clay
- Cumberland
- Hamilton
- Jasper
- Wayne
- White
School Districts
- Clay City Community Unit School District No. 10
- Edwards County Community Unit District No. 1
- Fairfield Community High School District No. 225
- Flora Community Unit School District No. 35
- Grayville Community Unit District No. 1
- Hutsonville Community Unit School District No. 1
- Lawrence County Community School Unit District No. 20
- North Wayne Community Unit District No. 200
- Oblong Community Unit School District No. 4
- Palestine Community Unit School District No. 3
- Red Hill Community Unit School District No. 10
- Richland County Community Unit School District No. 1
- Robinson Community Unit School District No. 2
- Wabash Community Unit District No. 348
Students who live within the following public school districts may or may not be residents of District 529. Students from these districts should check their property tax statement to determine community college district residency.
- Carmi-White County Community Unit District No. 5
- Jasper County Community Unit School District No. 1
- North Clay Community Unit School District No. 25
Additional Provisions
Students shall be classified as residents of District 529 without meeting the 30-day residency requirement if:
They are currently residing in the district and are under the legal guardianship of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services or have been recently emancipated from the Department and had a placement into District 529. Documentation of current residency may be submitted from the student, a caseworker or other personnel of DCFS, or the student’s attorney or guardian ad litem; or
They move into District 529 for reasons other than attending IECC and demonstrate, through documentation, a verifiable interest in establishing permanent residency.
Students shall not be classified as residents of District 529, even though they may have met the general 30-day residency provision, if they are:
Federal job corps workers stationed in the District;
Inmates of state or federal correctional/ rehabilitation institutions located in the District;
Full-time students who have not demonstrated, through documentation, a verifiable interest in establishing permanent residency;
Students attending under the provisions of a chargeback or contractual agreement with another community college; or
Students issued an I-20 for the purpose of enrolling as an International Student.
Students residing outside of District 529, but who reside in the State of Illinois, are classified as Out-of-District. To qualify for Out-of-District tuition, students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents must submit proof of residency showing they lived in Illinois for at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the term. If applicant is under 18 years of age, documentation must reflect that at least one parent, stepparent, or appointed guardian is a legal resident of Illinois. Evidence of legal residency must be based on ownership and/or occupancy of a home in Illinois or a copy of one or more of the documents listed above (signifying Illinois residency status).
Additional Provisions
Students shall be classified as residents of the State without meeting the general 30-day residency provision if they are:
- Federal job corps workers stationed in Illinois;
Members of the armed services stationed in Illinois;
Inmates of state correctional/rehabilitation institutions located in Illinois;
Employed full-time in Illinois; or
Someone who moves to Illinois for reasons other than attending IECC and demonstrates, through documentation, a verifiable interest in establishing permanent residency.
Students occupying a dwelling in the state who fail to meet the 30-day residency requirement may not become residents simply by attending classes at IECC for 30 days or more.
Students residing outside of Illinois, but in the U.S. are classified as Out-of-State and qualify for the Out-of-State tuition rate.
Students who are residents of a country outside of the United States are classified as Non-U.S. Residents. (Guidance and exceptions noted in Residency Documentation above.) Students issued an I-20 from IECC for the purpose of enrolling as an International Student cannot establish Illinois residence status.
Veterans and Active Duty Service Members
Pursuant to the Public Community College Act (110 ILCS 805/6-4 and 6-4a), the In-District tuition rate will be assessed if a person is on active duty or is an individual entitled to assistance as described in 38 U.S.C. 4679(c).
In-District Employer
Pursuant to the Public Community College Act (110 ILCS 805/6-4-1), the In-District tuition rate will be assessed for students who live outside of the district, or are not residents of Illinois when:
They are employed at least 35 hours or more by an entity within the district; or
They are enrolled in a course that is being provided under terms of a contract for services between the employing entity and the college.
The In-District tuition rate will be assessed for students who are currently under the legal guardianship of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services or who have been recently emancipated from the Department and meet Illinois residency requirements.
CAREER Agreement
Pursuant to the Public Community College Act (110 ILCS 805/6-1.5, students living outside District 529 may be eligible for the In-District tuition rate if a particular career and technical program is not offered in the student’s home district. Students must request permission from their home district to be eligible for this lower rate.
If a student is in-district, refer to In-District Student above. If a student is out-of-district, but in Illinois, they may qualify for Out-of-District tuition. Undocumented Students should contact the Office of Admissions and Records. (Reference Public Act 093-0007 and the ICCB Resolution on Residency of Undocumented Students of 1/20/2017).
Some students are eligible for a tuition waiver based on their county of residence.
Click here to determine which "Specified Counties" qualify students for a reduced rate.