No matter what is happening in the world there will always be a need for Nurses. Becoming a Nurse is very rewarding with a variety of career opportunities, great benefits, and job security. If you wish to join this exciting field, there is now an additional February date to apply for Frontier Community College’s nursing program!
To apply please call Julie Bullard at (618) 842- 3711 ext. 4520 to make an appointment for the final ADN Nursing Application Meetings.
This meeting will be held on:
· Wednesday, February 10, 2021 LRC 105 2:00pm-3:00pm
All meetings will be held in the college’s Learning Resource Center (LRC) room 105.
To apply, students must complete the nursing application, have a copy of High School Transcripts/GED scores, copy/copies of college transcripts with evaluations (other than IECC classes), driver’s license (with current address), NCLEX form, a Latex Allergy Form, and their TEAS Test scores.
The TEAS test can be taken at FCC on one of two dates:
· Friday, February 4, 2021, 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., Room 24
· Friday, February 11, 2021, 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., Room 24
Stipulations for the TEAS test are as follows:
· To be eligible to apply for the program, the student must have an Adjusted Individual Test Score at the Proficient Level (58.7) or higher. Students whose Adjusted Individual Test Score is at the Developmental or Basic Level will not be considered for admission.
· The TEAS® exam may be taken up to two (2) times per ranking period [i.e. - February 19, 2020-February 15, 2021(Ranking deadline for Fall 2021 is February 15, 2021)].
· Prior test scores may be used for ranking for admission consideration if the test was taken within 24 months of the ranking deadline. If the prior exam was more than 24 months before the ranking deadline, a new test shall be required.
· Scores from other colleges/universities will be accepted if the test was taken within 36 months of the ranking deadline.
· The cost of any testing will be paid by the student
The Deadline to apply is February 16, 2021.