Student Senate serves as the voice of the student body of Lincoln Trail College. We listen to student concerns and take those to administration to address. The Student Senate completes one major project each year. Past projects have included the renovation of the Student Lounge, the Meal Plan Program, and the LT sign. In addition to our student government role, we host various student activities on campus. Annual activities that Student Senate plans include Welcome Back Blast, Homecoming, Craze Daze, Food Drive Competition, Trivia Night, Statesmen Escape, Paint Nights, and various other activities. Student Senate is here to serve the student body of LTC in many capacities and look forward to doing so in the coming year.
Getting Involved
Meetings are held every Thursday at 11:00 a.m. in Williams Hall 101. Students can also join during registration.
Student Senate Advisors
Phil Thorsen
618-544-8657 ext. 1132
Connor York