What is the PATH Program?
The Pipeline for the Advancement of the Healthcare Workforce (PATH) program is funded through an Illinois Community College Board grant. It's great news for eligible students considering a career in the healthcare field!
"The purpose of the PATH grant is to create, support, and expand the opportunities of individuals in the nursing pathway and select healthcare pathways to obtain credentials and degrees that allow them to enter and/or advance their careers in the healthcare industry. Additionally, this grant aims to address the shortage of workers in the healthcare industry that have been exasperated by the COVID 19 pandemic." - ICCB
What does this mean for IECC Students?
As a participant in the PATH program, in addition to assistance with tuition, fees, books, and materials, you may also be eligible for financial support with:
Certification Testing
Outstanding Balance (Owed to IECC from previous terms)
Who is Eligible?
In order to qualify, you must meet all of these:
Reside within the IECC District.
Be a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident who meets certain eligibility requirements.
Any requirements necessary in your selected program.
AND also meet one of the following qualifications:
An incumbent worker (already in the workforce) looking to continue his/her education and advance a career in the healthcare pathway in Illinois.
A student on a healthcare pathway with an identified need for support.
First generation student. (Meaning your parents did not complete a 4-year college or university.)
Minority students.
(Don't worry, we'll help determine your eligibility.)
Which IECC Programs are eligible?
Learn more about the programs that have been designated as PATH grant eligible.
Nursing: Associate Degree in Nursing l Practical Nursing l Basic Nurse Assistant Training Program
Emergency Medical Services (EMT and Emergency Medical Responder)
Ready to get started?
Apply to the college of your choice.
Have questions?
Contact Kathy Swinson