
Medical Health Insurance Information



IECC offers multiple BCBS Medical insurance plan options for full-time and eligible part-time employees (as defined in Business Procedure 300.1.5  Employee Benefits). Click on the following Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) links to learn more about deductibles, copays/coinsurance, out-of-pocket limits, etc. associated with the various options available for 2025:  

Side-by-side comparison of all plans   

Option 1 (HSA Eligible) $6,000 / $12,000 Deductible

Option 2 (HSA Eligible) Self Only $2,650 Deductible 

Option 2 (HSA Eligible) Family $3,300 / $5,300 Deductible  

Option 3 (HSA Eligible) $1,750 / $3,500 Deductible

Option 4 $500 / $1,000 Deductible

Consumer Coverage Disclosure Act information for each plan listed below.  The following are not specifically addressed in the booklets but coverage is provided by the pharmacy’s formularies in these categories:  Topical Anti-Inflammatory acute and chronic pain medication, Intranasal opioid reversal agent associated with opioid prescriptions, Opioid Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT).

Click here for more information about the difference between Embedded and Aggregate Deductibles.  


IECC Employees who participate in one of our BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois Medical Insurance plans can take advantage of these programs, designed to improve your health and well-being. (Select a topic below to view the flyer.) 


**FREE** Behavioral counseling program for metabolic syndrome reversal and weight management. 
Eligible Employees can get started here.


Hinge Health Flyer 

**FREE** Excercise therapy, education, and behavioral support for chronic musculoskeletal pain, such as back, neck, and joint.


Livongo®  for Diabetes

**FREE** Diabetes management in the comfort of your own home with support by certified diabetes educators.  


Livongo® for Hypertension

**FREE** Hypertension management provides health insights and clinical expertise to modify behavior and drive change.




For those employees not participating in one of the BCBS plans, but rather have medical coverage through another group health plan and chose the Medical Reimbursement Plan (MRP) option, navigate to Insurance Forms (on the Intranet, Human Resources/Payroll tab) for information on this plan.