
Physical Therapist Assistant

Accepted Students

Requirements after the Student is Accepted into the Program

  1. Secure his/her position in the class by contacting the Program Director in writing stating his/her intention to begin the program; if letter of intent is not received by the date indicated, an alternate student will be admitted to the program; failure to start the program results in a loss of acceptance for admission status
  2. Meet with Program Director at scheduled time to review program requirements, receive appropriate forms, and ask questions regarding PTA program requirements/policies; student will be contacted by mail at the address of record in reference to scheduling an advisement/registration appointment; failure to meet with Program Director will result in forfeiture of the student’s acceptance in the program, and an alternate student will be admitted to the program
  3. Complete physical exam and required immunizations (fees paid by student); forms are distributed to student by Program Director
  4. Complete a satisfactory criminal background check as designated by the program by May 1* (fees paid by student)
  5. Complete drug screening as designated by the program* (fees paid by student)
  6. Purchase uniforms, lab jackets, and shoes during the first semester of the program

*An unsatisfactory background check and/or positive drug screening test will negate program admission.

Conduct and Health

In addition to meeting the PTA program requirements for admission, a student’s conduct and health status must also meet the standards of the clinical agencies.

