
Industrial Maintenance Technology

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about Industrial Maintenance Technology? You're not alone. Open the boxes below to find the answers to some of the questions we receive most about this program.

Our students find themselves in various locations doing various jobs. In our immediate area, you may find technicians from our program working at North American Lightning, Walmart DC, local hospitals, Toyota, Farbest Foods, Continental Tire, Hershey, Marathon and Champion Labs just to name a few. Some of these individuals have even worked their way into engineering positions with these companies.

There isn’t a set pay for every company. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average starting wage for someone with these skills is $25.41 per hour. Locally starting wages can range from $18 to $33 an hour.

Yes you can! 

Much like other things in life, with a little bit of effort and determination you can be successful in the IMT Degree. Classes start at the beginning, walking students through the concepts as if they have no experience with them. 

Individuals who are fortunate enough to be working in the field or come from a background of mechanical/electrical work will move through the content faster because of experience, but that doesn’t mean they will be better technicians in the end.