
Responsible Employees FAQ

Who is a Responsible Employee?

While only designated Responsible Employees are required to report incidents of sex-based misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator, all members of the IECC community (including students) are encouraged to report such incidents to the Title IX Coordinator.

Responsible Employees at IECC include:

  • IECC Administrators 
  • Supervisors and Managerial Staff
  • Faculty
  • Athletic Coaches
  • Student Services and Student Affairs Staff including College & Career Specialists
  • Advisors (e.g., student club/organization advisors, academic advisors, career advisors, financial aid staff)

As a Responsible Employee, you must immediately report allegations or disclosures of sex-based misconduct involving anyone covered under this policy to the Title IX Coordinator.

What should I do if a student wants to report an incident?

Before and while discussing details of an incident that might involve sex-based misconduct, it's important for the Responsible Employee to:

  1. Affirm you are there to help, but you must report the incident, including names, if known, to IECC's Title IX Coordinator. (This does not necessarily mean a formal complaint or investigation will be initiated if the student requests confidentiality.) 

  2. Assist in reaching out to a Confidential Advisor if the student would like to maintain confidentiality, which cannot be guaranteed if s/he reports to you. Provide student with the Notification of Rights and Options and aid in securing counseling and other support services, resources for medical attention, and/or to file a police report with local law enforcement.  If the student wishes to continue to discuss the incident, proceed with the next steps.

  3. Inform the student that s/he (or you, on their behalf) can file a Sexual Misconduct Complaint Form online or you can facilitate contact with the Title IX Coordinator who will take the information directly from the student and process/coordinate all efforts from this point.  

  4. Be supportive and listen. Take notes so you can accurately complete the report online or provide an account to the Title IX Coordinator. Your notes should include: the name and contact information of the alleged perpetrator (if known), the person and contact information of the person who experienced the alleged sex-based misconduct, other individuals involved or witnesses, safety concerns, as well as relevant facts, including the date, time, and location. While you do have an obligation to report what is shared with you with the Title IX Coordinator, please note that you should not investigate or try and ask more questions in order to obtain additional details about the incident. Investigation and response to reports of sex-based misconduct requires specific training.

  5. Remind the student that any facts reported to you will be reported to the Title IX Coordinator and s/he will contact the student directly. The Title IX Coordinator will provide additional assistance, resources, and accommodations, as necessary and appropriate.

  6. Promptly report all relevant facts to the Title IX Coordinator