
Reporting Sex-Based Misconduct

Call 911 if there is an immediate threat to health or safety.

How to Report

Individuals are encouraged to report allegations of sex-based misconduct in a timely manner. Assistance and support are available by completing the IECC Complaint Form (see link below), reaching out to IECC personnel directly, or contacting a Confidential Advisor. 

Non-confidential Reporting

To report an incident, or for questions or concerns you have related to sex-based misconduct or the process, contact IECC's Title IX Coordinator, Libby McVicker.  [<<<click on the link for contact info.]


Students may wish to alternately report an incident or concern to a Responsible Employee.  Responsible Employees at IECC include the following personnel:

  • IECC Administration 
  • Supervisors and Managerial Staff
  • Faculty
  • Athletic Coaches 
  • Student Services and Student Affairs Staff including College & Career Specialists
  • Advisors (e.g., student club/organization advisors, academic advisors, career advisors, financial aid staff)

Information reported to a Responsible Employee WILL be reported to the Title IX Coordinator and there is no guarantee that it will be kept confidential. You should most definitely indicate your desire to maintain your confidentiality so that measures can be taken to honor your wish. All matters will be handled discreetly and information shared on a strict need-to-know basis. However, if you would like to report, but remain anonymous, you should reach out to a Confidential Advisor (below) rather than the Title IX Coordinator or a Responsible Employee.  

Report an incident using IECC’s Complaint Form


Confidential Reporting 

You may reach out to a Confidential Advisor (below) who is under no obligation to contact or report to IECC; however, they may have reporting or other obligations under the law.     

Prevail Illinois (formerly CAISA) (website:     Prevail Illinois: Sexual Harassment/Assault Flyer 
Serving Lincoln Trail, Olney Central, and Wabash Valley:   
Olney Office 618-879-2130
Robinson Office 618- 544-9379
After-Hours Crisis Hotline: 888-345-2846

SAFE (website:     SAFE: Sexual Harassment/Assault Flyer
Serving Frontier Community:
Mt. Vernon, IL Office 618-316-7017
After-Hours Crisis Hotline: 800-625-1414

Notification of Rights and Options

A victim of sex-based misconduct has a right to report (or not report) the incident to Illinois Eastern Community Colleges.  View the Notification of Rights and Options, including resources to assist a victim of sex-based misconduct.


What happens after the Title IX Coordinator receives a report?

Upon receipt of a report, the Title IX Coordinator will analyze the information to determine the appropriate method for processing it; promptly contact the complainant to discuss the availability of supportive measures (with or without filing a formal complaint); and explain the process for filing a formal complaint.

Examples of supportive measures that IECC may offer include, but are not limited to:

  • Counseling and mental health support;
  • Extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments;
  • Leaves of absence;
  • Changes to academic, living, dining, transportation and/or working schedules or situations;
  • Increased security and monitoring of certain areas of campus;
  • Issuance and enforcement of mutual campus no contact orders; and
  • Enforcement of an order of protection or no contact order entered by a State civil or criminal court.