The IECC - GETTING STARTED tutorial is a free online course that new students taking hybrid, or online courses at any of the four IECC colleges must complete prior to the first day of classes. The course teaches students how to use the IECC Entrata Portal and the IECC Learning Management System called Canvas. It also teaches students how to use Microsoft Office 365. It takes approximately one hour to complete. This course will teach students how to use basic web-based tools, access their IECC email account, get emergency alerts, find online resources and programs, see course schedules and grades, and learn about Canvas features.
Once a student is registered for classes the Getting Started tutorial will be available on their Canvas dashboard.
How Students Access the Course:
- The Getting Started tutorial is available in Canvas upon completion of registration through a student’s MyIECC account.
- This course will not show up on a student’s schedule, only on their Canvas dashboard.