

Best Degree Badge
Oct 28th, 2020
Medical Office Assistant Ranked Among Top Online Programs
Olney Central College’s Medical Office Assistant Program has been recognized as one of the country’s top online degrees. The health-career website ranked OCC No. 9 in its List of the Best Online Medical Assistant Associate’s Programs for 2020. “We are excited to hear that our program has been chosen for this award,” said Instructor Shasta Bennett. “It is always an honor when the hard work of our faculty and students is recognized.”
Photo of Unmanned Aerial Technology Classroom
Oct 28th, 2020
Unmanned Aerial Technology Classroom Ready for Fall
Olney Central College’s Unmanned Aerial Technology Program is ready to welcome students with the completion of its classroom at the West Richland Center in Noble. Renovations to the former high school science room began last fall and include the installation of new flooring, ceiling tiles, LED lighting and countertops. Modern instructional equipment along with tables and chairs specifically designed to meet program needs complete the facility.
Photo of New Welding Booths and Equipment
Oct 21st, 2020
Lab & Classroom Renovations Complete for New Welding Associate's Degree
Olney Central College is ready for the startup of its new Welding and Fabrication Associate’s Degree next fall with the completion of a new state-of-the-art lab and classroom at the West Richland Center in Noble. The renovations are part of a Title III Grant initiative, which includes revamping OCC’s welding program to establish an Associate in Applied Science Degree. Work on the former high school welding shop began in June and wrapped up in August.
Group of students inducted into Phi Theta Kappa
Oct 16th, 2020
LTC Inducts New Members Into Honor Society
Lincoln Trail College’s Alpha Iota Epsilon Chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society inducted its newest members at a ceremony on October 15. Phi Theta Kappa recognizes and encourages scholarship among two-year college students. An invitation for membership is extended to full-time students achieving at least a 3.5 grade point average. 
Photo of Mary Correll
Oct 15th, 2020
OCC Grad Named Nurse of the Year
Olney Central College alumnus Mary Correll, of Wakefield, was recently named a Nurse of the Year by Deaconess Health System, receiving the Florence Nightingale Award for Deaconess Midtown Hospital. As stated in the award, “Florence Nightingale set the example of compassion, commitment to patient care and diligent hospital administration. This award is given in recognition of meritorious service of the nursing profession and is characterized by devotion, sincerity, dedication and compassion.“
Photo of Student Welding
Oct 14th, 2020
New Evening Welding Certificate Available
Olney Central College is excited to announce it will offer an evening Welding and Cutting Certificate starting in Spring 2021. “This is such a great opportunity,” said Welding Specialist Maverick Fisher. “It’s a chance for high school seniors to get a jump on college. And, it’s especially helpful for someone who is working full-time and would like to pursue a career in welding, but can’t afford to give up their day job to come to college.”
Teacher working with GED student
Oct 13th, 2020
LTC High School Equivalency Program Visiting Local Libraries
Lincoln Trail College Academic Success Center Director Rena Gower will be visiting local libraries to talk about the College’s High School Equivalency Program, which is known as the GED Program.  Gower will be answering questions people may have about the program and to evaluate if there is enough interest to start classes away from Lincoln Trail College. “I’m also inviting people to share any obstacles they may have that are keeping them from taking the HSE class, “says Gower. “We want to try to meet the needs of our community and this type of information will be helpful.”
Love Letters Poster
Oct 13th, 2020
LTC Theater Performing Love Letters
Lincoln Trail College Theater will present the two-person show by A R. Gurney, “Love Letters” October 23-25.
Woman punching
Oct 6th, 2020
LTC Offering Self-Defense for Women Class
Lincoln Trail College will offer a Self-Defense for Women Class October. 21 from 6-7 PM. Instructor Andy Bradbury will teach three-to-four techniques that can be used to protect yourself from danger. The cost of the class is $10 and it is free for full-time Lincoln Trail College students. People can register for the class by calling 618-544-6857.
A Delightful Quarantine Poster
Oct 5th, 2020
Cast Announced for LTC Production of A Delightful Quarantine
Tara Gallion has announced the cast list for Lincoln Trail College’s 2020 Fall production, “A Delightful Quarantine.” Mark Dunn’s 2006 comedy asks the question of what it would be like to be confined with people you don’t really know after strange visitors leave behind a deadly disease that leaves seven separate households unexpectedly quarantined.