
OCC Radiography Program

Prospective Students

Qualified applicants are ranked for admission based on a composite score derived from the IECC approved placement test, and GPA of specific high school science, social science, and mathematics courses or college level program support courses. 

NOTE:  Individuals who have been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor (excluding traffic violations) or who have an abuse record may not be permitted to take the national registry examination administered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). Students with questions should contact the ARRT (651-687-0048) to inquire about eligibility to take the ARRT examination prior to applying to the Radiography Program.

If you are interested in the OCC Radiography Program, please contact an advisor.


Application Checklist

Application Requirements

NOTE: To qualify for ranking, completed applications must be received at Olney Central College by the designated deadline for admission in fall semester.

All applicants must:

Provide government issued photo ID residency verification.

Attend a Radiography Application Meeting prior to application submission or contact the advisor for details regarding upcoming meetings.  

Review the program handbook.

Meet or exceed the additional requirements listed below:

Official copies submitted to the advisor for the Radiography Program by the designated date.

     1. Official High School or GED equivalent
     2. Official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions

Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5* for all college level courses, or if no college coursework has been completed, a cumulative high school GPA of 2.5.

Students making application for the same year they graduate from high school must have a 2.5 GPA at the end of the first semester of their senior year to be eligible to apply.

*Grade Forgiveness  
Grades of F in college level courses from institutions outside of Illinois Eastern Community Colleges may be eligible for a grade forgiveness process for ranking purposes for acceptance into the radiography program. The grade forgiveness affects cumulative GPA for ranking purposes only. This grade forgiveness would be done manually and only one time and would not affect the applicant’s official cumulative grade point average. Contact the advisor for the Radiography Program at the college site to determine eligibility.

Placement Tests   
Placement test scores assess a student's level in English, reading, and mathematics in accordance with OCC admission standards.

Official copies of test results must be submitted by the designated date.

Test must be taken within three (3) years of application.

If a placement test is taken at another institution, it is the student’s responsibility to have test scores submitted to Olney Central College. Please speak with a college representative to ensure the appropriate test is used.

Applicant may take the placement test twice during each year application is made to the program.

Applicant should contact the advisor for the Radiography Program to determine if test scores meet application criteria.

Applicants should consult the Financial Information section of the college catalog or Miscellaneous Fees for any applicable fees related to repeating tests.

Required Courses & Reading  
LSC 1101 (General Biology I) or equivalent (as determined by IECC) with a grade of C or better. Candidates not meeting this requirement may qualify for admission contingent upon successful completion of this program requirement prior to beginning Radiography course work.

All prospective students must review the Program Handbook.

Required Technical Standards  Sufficient eyesight to observe patients, manipulate equipment, and evaluate radiographic quality.   

  1. Sufficient hearing to assess patient needs and communicate verbally with other health care providers.
  2. Satisfactory verbal and written skills to communicate promptly and effectively in English.

  3. Sufficient gross and fine motor coordination to respond promptly, manipulate equipment, lift a minimum of fifty pounds, and insure patient safety.

  4. Satisfactory intellect, emotional, and mental functions to exercise independent judgment and discretion in the safe technical performance of medical imaging procedures. 

Conduct and Health  
In addition to meeting the Radiography program requirements for admission, a student's conduct and health status must also meet the standard of the clinical agencies.

Transfer Students

Individuals seeking credit for courses taken at institutions other than IECC click here for information. The Olney Central College Radiography Program does not accept transfer credit for radiography coursework completed at other institutions.