
May 5th, 2023
Scholarships Available for Physical Therapist Assistant and Early Childhood Education Programs
Wabash Valley College (WVC) is pleased to announce the availability of two scholarship programs: Physical Therapist Assistant Program Scholarship and Early Childhood Education Scholarship. The scholarships are designed to provide financial support to students who are enrolled or planning to enroll in these programs in the 2023-2024 school year.
May 5th, 2023
Physical Therapist Assistant Program-Accepting New Students
Wabash Valley College (WVC) is proud to announce the successful completion of its first year in the Physical Therapist Assistant Program (PTA) and the upcoming graduation of its first cohort of 13 students next spring. The program is now accepting applications for its next cohort, which will begin in Fall 2023.
Apr 27th, 2023
Phi Theta Kappa Initiation
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) held its 2023 PTK Initiation at the Brubeck Theatre on April 26th, recognizing the academic achievement and leadership potential of community college students. Established in 1918, PTK is a prestigious honor society that recognizes and encourages academic excellence and leadership among community college students worldwide.

Apr 26th, 2023
IECC Announces Waived Tuition Fees for Summer Courses
Illinois Eastern Community Colleges (IECC) is proud to announce a “pay no-tuition” for students who enroll in specific summer courses. This applies to all IECC schools, including Wabash Valley College, Lincoln Trail College, Frontier Community College, and Olney Central College.

Jun 14th, 2022
Baseball Team Finishes in Final Four at National Tournament
The Wabash Valley College Men's Baseball Team recently fought their way to the semi-finals of the JUCO World Series. After a stellar season filled with all-star players who were ranked in the top 5 nationally in several categories (see below), the Warriors made it to the national tournament. There were several rounds of nail-biting games, but the Warriors managed to claw their way to the Final Four before falling just short of the Championship in their game with Central Arizona College.

May 12th, 2022
Upcoming May 15th Total Lunar Eclipse Dubbed "Prime-time Totality"
During the night of May 15-16, Mount Carmel and the surrounding region will experience a total lunar eclipse. The event is described as a “prime-time totality” by timeanddate [sic].

Apr 12th, 2022
Wabash Arts Council Puts on Musical
All Kinds of People, based on the optimism and musicals written by Oscar Hammerstein II, ran on Thursday, March 31st, Friday, April 1st and Sunday, April 3rd. Twenty-four cast members as young as three-years-old and as old as 80-years-old sang about the importance of loving people no matter their differences.

Mar 22nd, 2022
Health Careers/Cadaver Presentation
Friday, March 18th, Wabash Valley College was pleased to once again host Wabash General Hospital at the WVC campus for one of our largest and most successful cadaver events yet. Our resident Nursing and PTA faculty were able to meet with over 200 students during the day to discuss options in education, career, and requirements thereof. There were more than 50 health care workers in attendance, including:

Nov 30th, 2021
IECC announces next Priority Deadline, Feb. 25, 2022
Frontier Community, Lincoln Trail, Olney Central, and Wabash Valley colleges awarded nearly $180,000 to area high school students in the first round of Illinois Eastern Community Colleges’ Priority Deadline Success Scholarships.

Nov 18th, 2021
WVC physics professor explains partial lunar eclipse
Tonight, Mount Carmel and the surrounding region will experience a partial lunar eclipse, one of the two to cover our region this year. The peak of the eclipse will take place at 3 a.m., but Wabash Valley College’s physics professor Andy King explained that the action starts taking place much sooner. “While the eclipse technically begins at midnight, the visible action really starts at about 1:15 a.m.