Wabash Valley College’s Ag program, in conjunction with Wabash Valley Service Company, IB Executive Turf and Landscape, Wabash Valley Stewardship Alliance and southeastern Illinois Farm Bureaus, saw the planting of a new pollinator plot on WVC’s campus.
Mike Wilson, CCA, from Wabash Valley Service Company, planted a pollinator plot on campus on May 12. Look for it next time you drive past the college on Oak Street!
WVC would like to thank Wabash Valley Service Company which provided the pollinator seed, IB Executive Turf and Landscape which donated use of their planter and drill. Wabash Valley Stewardship Alliance which will provide signs for the area, and area Farm Bureaus: Edwards, Lawrence, Wabash, Wayne, White, Crawford, Gallatin, Richland, Saline, Jefferson and Hamilton counties for providing financial support.
The 1.1 acre-plot will provide a habitat for pollinator species, promote awareness and education on the value of pollinator species to our local economy and the impact planting perennials has on soil quality. WVC’s Ag program plans to use the plot during lab days for various courses as a teaching tool.
Various plants were sown on the pollinator field. Those plants include: Partridge Peas, Purple Coneflowers, Lance-leafed Coreopis, Indian Blanket, Sunflowers, Lupine, Ohio Spiderwort, Butterfly Milkweed, Showy Trick Trefoil, Lemon Mint, White Upland Aster, Black-eyed Susan, Lavender Hyssop, New England Aster, Plains Coreopis, Spotted Beebalm, Hairy Beardtongue, Eastern Columbine and Gray Goldenrod.