The Agricultural Technology Business program at WVC provides students with an in-depth understanding of crop and livestock production, as well as emerging trends in the agricultural sector. In addition to cultivating essential agricultural skills, such as communication, marketing, management, and financing, students are prepared for a diverse range of challenging and rewarding positions within the industry.

As part of the Agricultural Technology Production program, students will have the chance to acquire their Commercial Pesticide Operator license. Moreover, the coursework offered will prepare them to sit for the written test for the Commercial Drivers License. This program provides students with the necessary knowledge and skills to become well-rounded professionals in the agricultural sector.

The internship program is a standout feature of this program. Students are given the opportunity to participate in various internships, which encompass diverse areas such as agricultural education, finance, communication, farm management, and other agriculture-related fields. This experience enables students to gain hands-on knowledge and develop practical skills, thus enhancing their career prospects in the agricultural industry.
Students in WVC's Ag Production program are eligible to participate in several student clubs:
Agriculture Technology Club – Students will participate in campus activities and co-sponsor educational trips
Collegiate Farm Bureau Club- Students will participate in campus activities and in local Farm Bureau activities, attend meetings and presentations on agricultural issues and co-sponsor educational trips
National Professional Agricultural Student Organization – Students can participate in competitions and professional development opportunities
Program Internships – "Learn while you earn" in entry-level agricultural positions
In addition to scholarships that all WVC students are eligible for, students in WVC's Agricultural Production program are eligible for the GROWMARK Scholarship. Students may also be eligible for scholarships through their local county farm bureaus, FFA chapters and other community organizations.
Professional Ag Applicator Certificate
In addition to the two-year associate degree, WVC offers a specialized certificate that will lead to entry-level employment in the agriculture industry. Select the link below to learn more about the certificate and the required curriculum.