The website Medical Assistant Advice ranked Lincoln Trail College’s Medical Assistant program among the top 15 offered in the state of Illinois. The website is designed to give students interested in a medical assisting career a place to find up-to-date information on education and careers.
Of the 40 programs available in Illinois, Lincoln Trail College’s program ranked 15th. Medical Assistant Advice looked at colleges offering certificates, degrees, and diplomas. LTC offers both a certificate and an associate degree.
“I am honored and excited to find out that our program is held in such high regard among other educational institutions in Illinois,” says program lead instructor Dr. Jared Gullett.
He says LTC’s program is so special because it gives students the flexibility of an online format while also giving students a solid hands-on foundation to develop their clinical skills. “This allows both traditional and non-traditional student populations to succeed.”
One of the highlights Medical Assistant Advice pointed out with Lincoln Trail College is the internships where students hone practical skills in a real-world clinical setting. “We work with many different types of healthcare facilities to place our students in internships. Whether it's local or across the country, our internship opportunities are based on the interest of the student,” says Gullett. “Many of our students complete their internships and are then offered full-time positions. Finding employment for our students is the goal of the program, and our internship experiences help us reach that goal.”
To build their rankings, Medical Assistant Advice weighted their own staff rankings with graduation rates, average net price, admission rate, full-time retention rate, and total number of students enrolled in the program.
Gullett says there’s good reasons why students should consider LTC’s Medical Assistant program. “Our patient-centered program provides students with exceptional clinical knowledge and skill. The need for Certified Medical Assistants grows each year and our program completers are always at the top of the list as potential healthcare employees.”