Learn how to transform old materials into exciting new crafts during the Olney Central College Art Club’s Upcycling Fund- raiser on April 21 in the Student Union.
During the event, Art Club members will teach participants step-by-step how to crochet and sew enabling them to create DIY fabric brooches and crocheted items from old T-shirts. The public is invited to attend beginning crochet at 1 p.m. and introductory sewing at 2 p.m.
The cost is $3 per class or $5 for both. All materials will be provided. The event, which precedes Earth Day on April 22, highlights the benefits of Upcycling as a means of re-purposing materials for artistic and environmental benefits.
Today’s “fast fashion” is a major contributor to pollution as dyeing fabrics can pollute clean water and washing synthetic clothes releases millions of microplastic fibers into the ocean. Also, unsold stock often is trashed in landfills.
“We’re giving old items a second life and new function,” said OCC Art Club Advisor Mari Yamato.
Participants will not only be helping the OCC Art Club, but the environment as well as they reuse materials that might otherwise be tossed away.
The club is seeking donations of T-shirts, jeans, beads, buttons, safety pins, needle thread and thread glue. Items are needed by April 7 and may be dropped off in Dr. Kent L. Wattleworth Hall Room 202.