Get Involved!
OCC offers a variety of clubs and organizations designed to enhance your educational experience. Students may form organizations according to student needs and interests. The number and types of organizations may vary from year to year. New organizations are formed through the office of the Dean of Instruction. Each club may have one member representing the organization on the OCC Student Senate.
Contact Information
Advisor John Kendall
618-395-7777, ext. 2226
The OCC Accounting Club is available online to accommodate the needs of students enrolled in both online and face-to-face degree and certificate programs. The club helps accounting students achieve their goals, whether they wish to continue their education at a university or pursue employment after completing their course work at Olney Central College. The club discussions focus on internship, scholarship, employment, professional certification and networking opportunities.
Contact Information
Cheryl Michl
618-395-7777, 2238
Active Minds at OCC is affiliated with Active Minds the national 501 © 3 nonprofit organization. Active Minds strives to increase awareness of issues surrounding mental health and provides a forum and open environment for all students to speak up about mental health. Membership is open to students, faculty and staff — all are invited to the regular meetings.
Active Minds does not provide counseling or any form of clinical mental health care, and an Active Minds chapter is therefore not, nor will ever form, a peer counseling or support group.
Contact Information
Advisor Anne Hustad
618-395-7777, ext. 2291
The National Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (N-OADN) Alpha Delta Nu recognizes top associate degree nursing students. To be considered for membership, students must have completed their first year of nursing, have attained a 3.0 overall GPA and earned a B or better in the core nursing courses.
Students also must have demonstrated conduct on campus and in the clinical areas that reflects both integrity and professionalism. They must be currently enrolled in the Nursing 2201 Fall class and 2202 Spring class. To be awarded full membership, students must finish their third semester of nursing and complete a group capstone project, which focuses on either recruitment or educational activities.
The OCC Art Club gives students who are interested in art the chance to get together with like-minded students. Members discuss art-related topics, such as artworks, artists and new materials. They also participate in activities and art excursions. The club is open to all current students regardless of major.
Contact Information
Advisor Tyler Boyles
618-395-7777, ext. 2421
Automotive Club is for students enrolled in the Automotive Service Technology and Collision Repair Technology programs at Olney Central College. Students have the opportunity to participate in a number of activities including field trips to Toyota, Mid America Corvette and the Chicago Auto Show. The club also holds an annual car show in April.
The Cosmetology Club meets on the first and third Monday of each month to plan for upcoming events. Members participate in community projects such as providing services to local head start programs as well as long-term care residents. Fund-raisers are planned throughout the year to help finance educational trips. Members attend events such as hair shows, where they learn about the latest industry advances in products and services.
Contact Information
Advisor John Kendall
618-395-7777, ext. 2226
Christ’s Ambassadors is a non-denominational group whose members are united by their common faith in God and His gospel. Members believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that, through His death, they are saved. Students fellowship, share joys and struggles.
Contact Information
Advisor Anne Hustad
618-395-7777, ext. 2291
The Illinois Eastern Community Colleges-Student Nurses Association enables members to connect with fellow nursing students and complete several community service projects during the year.The club also conducts recruitment projects and holds several fund-raisers
Members are enrolled in NUR 1208 or NUR2208 Independent Study in Nursing. Members of the IECC-SNA must be enrolled in the IECC Associate Degree in Nursing Program.
Within the semester in which the student is enrolled in NUR 1208 or NUR 2208, the member shall:
- Understand and follow the mission of the National Student Nurses Association (NSNA) and the Student Nurses Association of Illinois (SNAI)
- Understand the IECC-SNA Bylaws
- Attend IECC-SNA campus meetings and one IECC-SNA meeting per semester
- Maintain a mentor-mentoree relationship with another student enrolled in the core IECC-OCC ADN program
- Complete the 15 hours of contact for 1 credit. There is no tuition fee for this course. This is a Pass/Fail course
Contact Information
Advisor Deb Burnett
618-392-2430, ext. 5880
The OCC Massage Therapy Club promotes the professionalism of a Massage Therapist and the health benefits derived from Massage. Members acquire knowledge of various modalities and topics in Massage Therapy, plan field trips to spas or conventions, and provide chair massage at community events in Olney and the surrounding area. The group meets once a month or more as needed.
Contact Information
Advisor Sarah Bergbower
618-395-7777, ext. 2228
Phi Theta Kappa is the international honor society for the two-year college. Membership in this club is by invitation only.
In order to qualify for membership, students must:
- Be enrolled in an accredited institution, have completed at least 12 hours of coursework that may be applied to a certificate or associate degree (part-time students may be eligible)
- Have a grade point average of 3.5
- Receive an invitation to membership from the chapter at the college where presently enrolled
- Adhere to the moral standards of the society
Once in PTK, students can take part in various service projects and fund-raisers. The service projects vary, but have included collecting items for Operation Christmas Child and collecting items for disaster relief kits.
PTK members also have access to special transfer scholarships and other scholarship opportunities as well as opportunities to attend conferences and grow professionally. You can even register to receive credit for participating in the club.
Contact Information
Advisor Lisa Rauch
618-395-7777, 2243
The primary purpose of the Radiography Club is to advance the science of Radiography and assist in establishing and maintaining high standards in all academic and professional goals.These are achieved through participation in club meetings, fund-raising activities, community service projects, formation of study groups and attendance at state and national seminars.
Students in the Radiography Club raise funds to facilitate attendance at seminars. The Radiography Club promotes health, professionalism, scholarship, leadership, education and social responsibility through school and community involvement. Club activities are instrumental in providing opportunities for students to network with professionals and peers as well as providing an opportunity to socialize.
The Radiography Club serves to promote education and high scholarship within the field of Radiography and to provide opportunities for students to extend their education beyond the classroom.
Contact Information
Advisor Sarah Bergbower
618-395-7777, 2228
The Science Club is designed to enhance the learning experiences of students interested in pursuing the sciences.The club is open to all students who have an interest in any field of science including chemistry, biology and physics.
Current enrollment in a science class is not required. Students may take on special projects, explore advanced scientific techniques and literature, participate in field trips and activities, and gain advisement for college and career preparation.
Contact Information
Advisor Amy Tarr
618-395-7777, 2005
Advisor Jodi Schneider
618-395-7777, 2018
Student Senate is the student government body of Olney Central College. The Student Senate meets once a week and works on issues related to student activities, volunteer work and student policy.
Student Senate members have an opportunity to receive leadership training at the annual American Student Government Association conference in Orlando, Fla., or other locations. Other annual events hosted by the Student Senate include: American Red Cross blood drives, the OCC Haunted Trail and Spring Fling.
Contact Information
Advisor Curtis Marshall
618-395-7777, 2580
Welding Club meetings are used to research jobs, call companies and submit applications. Students also use this time to fabricate their own projects including fire pits, sculptures and equipment repair. Members discuss new welding technologies and review the latest publication of the AWS Welding Journal.
The OCC Welding Club holds a fund-raiser so welding students may go to FabTech, the biggest metal forming and welding show in the United States.